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It's been 5 years since the King of Chancery died of lung cancer, his last will stated that his beloved wife, the queen will be a Regent to their daughter Kim Taehyung as she is not in her proper age to rule the kingdom for the time being

the princess had her birthday last week, marking her 21st birthday, the right age to take the throne as the Queen made an announcement for  her coronation.

And that will be today.

the Queen, her responsibility to the kingdom, and being a Regent for her daughter end yesterday.. After this day, she will be called Queen Mother but being a mother to her is a lifetime commitment

She taught all the things she needed to know.

She is ready to face anything and anyone tho everyone knows she will never leave her side to guide and support her

the palace is decorated of flowers for the occasion

The coronation ceremonies will be taken place at Cathedral early morning, everyone is busy from the chefs in the kitchen to the servants in each quarters

The Queen is nervous and so as the heir

The Queen Mother Kim Seokjin is fully dress, sweaty palms squeezing each other, her royal servant putting a few pin in her head securing a few strands of hair not getting in the way in her crown, she ask...

"how's my daughter? Is she ready? How many servant are with her?" waiting patiently for her servant to answer her inquiry

"Your majesty the princess is doing all fine" she whispered

"I want to see her now, I'm going to her room" she stands and the other one hurrying to follow her, the other one standing near the door opens it for her

The guards outside got alerted for the queen is going out of her room to visit her daughter in her room at the end of the hallway

She walks gracefully, her eyes looking everywhere to inspect everything is in proper place.

She reached her daughter's room and the guards outside announced her arrival

The servant inside opened the door and she comes in..

She looked at her with  glossy eyes, happiness reflects in her face

The princess is in front of her full length mirror standing up, the servant with her making sure the lace ribbon around her waist is tied perfectly

The princess looked at her mother thru the mirror smiling

"Mom" she whispered

She turned around facing her mother not caring if the servant is finish doing her work

She's wearing a simple white gown

She comes up to her mother and wipe a single tear that rolled down her smooth face 

"I'm so happy for you dear" the Queen said holding his hands

"I'm nervous mom..." Taehyung said getting teary too

"Don't be, you know I'm always with you all the way to this journey..."

"I know mom, i know... I love you" she connects her forehead to her

"You're going to be a great Queen, your father and I knows that, that's why he chose you"

"I'm going to make you both proud mom, I wished father is with us, witnessing all of this, I missed dad" he tight her hands holding her mom dearly

"he is with us, I know he will always guides us" the Queen assure her loving daughter

The guards outside announced another visitor and the Queen Mother signal one of the servant to open the door and the Duchess of Dunbridge walked inside

The Queen's General (✓)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ