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The ride to the duchess house is silent, general Soobin manages to secure the queen and the duchess for a safety trip

The house is not that far too, general Jeon can be there in no time if he wants to visit the Queen

The Queen's mind is wandering on someone else while staring far from her view infront of her. The small talk she had with general Jeon always makes her insecurities subside

She is his baby, his petal, his queen and his what? If the duchess didn't come in there in that exact time to interrupt their moments maybe the general confesses without realizing it.

thinking maybe she has to be content with what they have right now, they are friends, Jeon treats her right regardless of anything and the general won't go anywhere, they have all the time to talk about that. Right time will come for everything

They always have that kind of talk, she misses her hyungie already, her Jungkook hyung, he knows whenever she's feeling insecure her hyung will make her confident again and they will end their talks hugging each other not forgetting they kissed last time for missing each other so much, wonder when all of that will happen again?

She remembered there was a day that was so tough for her because of her training, She whined a lot to her hyung and they ended up hugging each other, Jungkook said sweet words to her making her confident and feel better

Her thoughts disturb by a knock, general Soobin needs to talk to the queen about something

She's on a back porch sitting on the couch feeling the refreshing afternoon breeze of the garden, Jimin left her saying she has to talk to the chef

She turns around and sees General Soobin walking towards her

"Good afternoon Your Majesty" he bows

"General Choi Soobin, you need something?" Queen Taehyung ask

"I thought to introduce myself properly Majesty" he hesitantly says

"It's new for me to be assigned with you my queen and I'm feeling honoured and nervous at the same."
He speaks honestly

"Oh, I thought there was something wrong.... Yes, I think this is the 2nd time we meet? you don't have to be nervous when you're around me General and I personally thank you for your thought to talk to me about this, I want to relax staying here and for that we need a good communication" the queen smiles sweetly

"I will do my very best to serve you your majesty and make sure no one will disturb your rest while staying here"
He bows

Soobin is more relieved now, he thought the young queen was strict and instructed him with so much work, never thought the young queen will be this nice just like the queen mother. that's why a lot of people find the queen approachable

" Loose a little for a while general, you're being stiff.. don't be nervous, I know you can do your job properly.."

" Thank you your majesty for giving me this time to talk to you, I feel so much relief" he smiled and asked permission to take his leave when someone knock again from the inside

A servant came saying the queen is having a visitor

" Huh? Who will visit me here? I myself is just a guest here" she ask politely to the servant

" He said he is you're former classmate and a son of a duke your majesty"

The general butt in and ask the servant

" Why didn't you ask his name? you want the queen to guess who he is?!" Soobin got irritated by the servant

" Maybe he's Seojoon hyung General Choi but why is he here?

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