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Today is the big day or is it? Taehyung is feeling dizzy after waking up, just to think the first thing she saw is her gown in a mannequin standing at the corner of her huge bedroom

Last night her Mom came into her room just to tell her she needs to be ready for today without saying any further reason why, she just obeys her and sleep early just to witness the list of program that is laying on the bedside table

It will look like even she had received an invitation for her own wedding. As her mother says, she will just surprise her when it's all going to happen and that will be today

The royal wedding that is all waiting for and the young queen feels she's still dreaming. From the moment she wakes up with a lot of servants waiting for her, Queen mother Jin makes sure she has her breakfast for the energy she needs for the whole day but just how can she swallow a single bite of bread now that her wedding gown is just in front of her? She can't help it but to get teary running a hand to feel the smoothness and softness of it's fabric

She walks out from the bathroom with her servants ready to help her wear the gown till they begin the make ups and put all her accessories

From her simple tiara to her engagement ring, a servant sits on a small stool to help her wear her white shoes to complete the attire

She stands in front of her full length mirror to see her reflection and to make sure all are in place when a door opens for the Queen mother with Duchess Jimin beside her

Taehyung feels the deja Vu in the situation. This happens before as she cries again remembering it exactly the same scene when she got prepared to be crowned as Queen

"How's your sleep dear?"
Her Mom feels the need to ask, she cups her face looking with her lovingly. Taehyung pulls her for a hug resisting to make a mess between their gowns, she's wearing a make up and it will be ruin if she let a single tear roll down her face

Jin wipes it quickly with her thumb and asks for some tissue to clean it properly

"My daughter..."  He wipes her tears too but Taehyung did it for her. They both giggled finding it funny. They were both crying for the same reason and that is happiness

"If only dad is here watching us like this.. I'm sure he will scold us and tease me for being a cry baby"

"but you're always be our baby" Jin pulls her for a hug once again making her head leans to her shoulder

"Your highness" Jimin finally says after she wipes her own tears and composed herself. She is quietly watching the mother and daughter moments feeling the happiness overflowing from them

"You're ravishing"
She compliments till Jin releases her and for her chance to hug her best friend

"As beautiful as you my Grace, where are the others? Where is Jungkookie?"
The young queen asked after pulling out from her hug, she wants to see him as soon as possible but she is afraid her Mom won't allow her but none of them answers

The queen mother motions the servants to get ready and holds her hand

"It's time, he's probably waiting for you at the cathedral"

The three of them walk out of the room, the young queen in the middle of the two hastily to reach the carriage that is waiting just outside the entrance of the palace


Captain Jung Hoseok pushes the door of the room of the General hard enough to make him wakes up. He startled so hard makes him grab his pistol under the pillows and points it to him

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