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"I can't decide!"

Taehyung sighs and lets her body fall back on the chair in front of the table with a lot of designs for invitations and themes, colors and motifs on top of it. She's confused and feeling tired, she thinks her head is spinning just by choosing every thing in the table while her secretary is carefully taking notes of her orders

"The more i have choices, the more i can't choose!" She covers her eyes with her hands and leans to the table

"I just want to get married"
She whispers quietly and runs fingers slipping in every cards that's been scattered in front of her

"your Majesty, you can take rest.. you can continue this later.. I'll tell the servants to get your snack"
Jasmine said getting up in front of her. She smile tiredly

"Yeah, I guess i need a break" she closes her eyes again but even in the dark she can see those designs, she thinks she can dream of them tonight

Jasmine does what she needs to do informing the servants outside to bring some refreshments for the young queen. She comes back and cleans her table, arranging every paper stacking it on the side

Jimin walks in holding another batch of list of royals and Noble to invite for the event when her eyes lands on her hands

"Another?!" She whines and leans her elbow catching her head. She closes her eyes again not wanting another list of names to read. She's been doing the same thing for almost 3 days straight now.. She has coordinators but she wants to personally choose the things she wants from the gown and suits to the flowers for decorations but didn't thought this would be hard for her

"If this tires you even before the wedding I suggest you need to stop and let the people around you work for it! Tae, you're the queen and yet you work like you are your own"

"But I want this to be perfect" she pouts unconsciously

"then tell them how you want it! For God sakes, you're the only queen that is doing all of this"

Taehyung shakes her head feeling defeated. "I think I'm giving up.. I need Mom"  she got teary, she wants to cry for all of this work

General Jeon walks in the office holding another file, he's walking while reading a few pages looking down on it on his hands and stops in front of her table but he closes it right away when he has the sight of his queen.. Taehyung looks beautiful but visibly tired. Her eyes are shining from tears that is threatening to fall

"My queen, what happened?"

He kneels on the side of her chair pulling it to face him. Taehyung reaches her arms to hug him, to feel him in her embrace and leans her head to his shoulder

She didn't answer her anything. Jungkook runs a hand on her back running circles, and looks at the duchess when the queen chooses to be quiet Jimin crosses her arms against her chest and rolls her eyes on them

"Obviously, she's tired from all of this preparations! I told her to assign someone for this so she wouldn't get stress but she insisted she wants to prepare everything"
She walks to the couch and sits there comfortably

"My love, as much as I want to help you with this but I need to work on a plan to secure your safety and our guests on the day of our wedding" he cups her face and dry her eyes

Taehyung leans to his touch and pull him close, she just want to have a break while leaning her head to his chest

"Jungkookie... " She whines closing her eyes and suddenly she wants to sleep on him

Jungkook holds her tight hands on her waist and back. He kissed her forehead

"that's it! I'm calling your mom! You need her help on this, I won't like to see my friends look like zombies on their wedding day just because they want to prepare their own wedding!" She stands and goes to the Queen  mother's office

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