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Duchess Rose says calling her assistant. The young lady hurriedly goes beside her upon calling her name

"What do you need my Grace?"
She's holding a few files in a clip board pressing it on against her chest

"When will be his next schedule?"
The young duchess asked trying to peek on her records

"My Grace... "
Camille flips the paper running a finger to check the date and time listed of her notes

Rose is a cute lady taller by few centimeters compare to the young queen. Her parents are both Duke and duchess, she has a brother older by her by 3 years and happily married, her parents want her to be settled like their son but Rose is being picky from choosing which of her suitors she's going to accept till the Queen's General made a name and eventually got popular

Since then she's got a huge admiration towards the handsome General and follows every rumors and written article about the queen's consort and becomes his fan. She wouldn't admit it to anyone but she's crushing over him and often talks to her assistant Camille about a certain general

Camille often tells her that having a crush is not wrong. It only becomes wrong if the admiration she's feeling for him becomes an obsession

Camille look at her with straight face thinking if she's going to tell her his next appointment now that the queen follows her consort to his event, they know.. queen Taehyung is not an idiot, she knows every rumors and articles written about her husband with the Duchess and no one wants to anger the queen. Camille wouldn't like that but the duchess doesn't seem to care what the queen will feel about it

Queen Taehyung is known for her attitude, she's straight forward and sarcastic. She can transform from being an elegant and respectful Lady to a gangster in seconds to defend someone dear to her if she needs to

"His next schedule will be..... next...  week, he's going to a... camp for a monthly training"

Rose claps her hands in tiny excited to visit him on wherever that appointment is, she even ignore her doubts of telling her about the schedule. Jeon's schedule is always open for anyone who wants to know though Jungkook wants it private and be secretive but that is not possible for someone like him now that he's married to the most famous person in the whole kingdom

"you can't be there My Grace"
The words forbidding her to go after him makes her sweet smile disappear

"But why? You can make an appointment now, tell them I'm going to donate anything they'll need for their camper and we will give it to them on the same day the consort will be there" she smiles the cutest already thinking that she will see him again

"he's so handsome, I won't get tired staring at him, those doe eyes really captures me" her words lace with daydreaming

"Duchess Rose"  Camille says calling her, taking her out from her trance


"It's a military camp.. " she said with a reminding tone

"I know, you already told me that"

"i suggest you should let this one pass"

Rose frowns deep, she doesn't like her unsolicited suggestions. She wants to see him again and maybe have a chance to have a moment with him again. The friendship she's trying to build between them can't be ruined just because he's already married to their queen

She thinks there is absolutely nothing wrong in her acts but a woman like her should avoid a married man. Everyone knows that but maybe she's forgetting about that

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