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Few days pass and Queen Taehyung is acting strange, she told her secretary to fully load her schedule everyday. she's having a little time of break for 2 days now and of course the Queen Mother got worried for she knows her daughter won't be like that if there's nothing wrong

She's always in a hurry taking her meals. She's obviously avoiding someone. Sometimes she didn't stop working until she get exhausted and her secretary got worried. She tell all this to the queen mother

She stop going at the garden too in the afternoon with her dogs, instead she spent her days inside the office and when the night comes, she will go straight in her room with her dogs consoling her for she is crying alone, she's hurting everytime she remembered what she saw that evening

She's overworking to avoid thinking about a certain general, she notice Arianna spending time in the garden frequently, maybe she's waiting for him there though she wouldn't like to know if the other one comes to meet her too, can't stop thinking about them so she work all the time to divert her attention

When she needs to be somewhere she always choose to have her 2 dogs with her and request Captain Hoseok to be with her than the guards the general assigned to her

She got very busy accepting visitors. Most of them are men. A Duke, son of duke, sons of the members of the parliament, sons of a business man, almost all the prominent bachelor in the country wants to see and have a opportunity to meet the lovely queen

The visitors are always gear up with their most expensive suit and gifts to give the Queen to leave a remarkable expression, the Queen Mother always with her daughter whenever she's accepting visitors with an obvious intentions, to court her

Her schedule is full of meetings...
and most of them take their shot to ask the Queen to a lovely dinner or just to take her out in front of the Queen Mom

Meanwhile the General is restless for days now, Captain Hoseok always caught him lost in his thoughts of how to approach the queen, he seems having a silent war with himself

General Jungkook acts differently these days adds to her thinking that she might be right, he doesn't really care about her feelings so she did avoids him

They are not talking since they saw each other in the garden that evening and that was 3 days ago, their situation doesn't helping at all for the General.. the queen's eyes is full of sadness everytime she meet him, the queen is not looking at him like she used too

she thinks the general find someone better than her, she felt jealous even though she knows she don't have rights to be jealous and seeing him not doing anything to reach out for her adding to her feelings and thoughts

the general unconsciously doing things out of his guilt. So eager to talk to the queen and explain his side to what really happened that night but don't know how to start, seeing the queen and not looking at him gives pains in his heart.

It's not like he needs a valid reason to see and talk to her in her office but seeing the Queen avoiding him gives him the idea that she's angry

He feel hopeless first time in his entire life, this battle is the most painful for him than the physical pain he can get. He's having mixed emotions and beating himself silently for causing so much pain

One night she didn't come for dinner, her mom needed to ask a servant to call her majesty but the servant came back with a message from the queen that she will have her dinner inside the office

Jungkook knew all of this and he got really worried

The Queen Mother take her dinner fast to see her daughter and have a talk

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