Paw Patrol: The Return of Terra's Father

Start from the beginning

Quicksand: (giggles) I kinda wanted to do this too!

Terra: Nice one mom!

Terrain: (nuzzles Quicksand)

Quicksand: (giggles) Thanks handsome!

Mayor Goodway: Are you okay with all that stuff inside you Quicksand?

Quicksand: It's all good Mayor Goodway, nothing wrong we can hold stuff inside our bodies... wait, weren't you told about powers?

Mayor Goodway: (embarrassed) I might have forgotten, again!

Otis Goodway: (tries using his gold digging pans but they all break) Aww, my gold digging pans all broke! (sighs)

Terra: Actually, I might know how to fix them!

Otis Goodway: You do?

Quicksand: I think I can fix them!

Otis Goodway: How?

(Quicksand stretches her paws over then absorbs the gold digging pans into her body)

Otis Goodway: (startled) Gah! How'd you do that?

Quicksand: We can stretch! (coughs up brand new gold digging pans) Tada!

Otis Goodway: (checks out the gold digging pans) Whoa! You made them look brand new!

Quicksand: (giggles) I had plenty of resources in my body at the moment enabling me to recreate them!

Otis Goodway: Aww, thanks Quicksand!

Mayor Goodway: Nicely done Quicksand and very good work in remaking those gold digging pans!

Quicksand: I even learned this trick! (coughs)

Mayor Goodway: (worried) Quicksand?

Mason: (realizes) (eyes widen) Don't do the lava barf thing, Quicksand!

Terra: I got it, I'll catch it!! (rushes over to her mom)

Quicksand: (began regurgitating hot lava)

Terra: (gets under her mom to consume the hot lava as it comes out)

Mayor Goodway: When did you learn to do that!?

Quicksand: Ever since the elemental brawlers empowered us, we can do plenty of new tricks we're even indestructible now and can hold anything including lava and acid inside us then change to something else or vice versa! (stops making hot lava) (notices Terra) Oops, maybe this wasn't a good idea?

Terra: (with enlarged belly) I got this mom! (dives into her mom and gets absorbed)

Mayor Goodway: (shocked) My word!

Terra: (exits through her moms body with a petite body) I simply put all that collected body mass back inside mom then exited her body!

Otis Goodway: (chuckles) You golem pups sure are interesting pups to hang out with!

Terrain: (nods) I can agree with you there Otis Goodway!

Mayor Goodway: (relieved) Phew! Glad Terra is okay!

Quicksand: (giggles) Not the first time we did something like that!

Mayor Goodway: So what are we gonna do about the stuff inside you?

Quicksand: (shrugs) I can convert it into anything!

Otis Goodway: Including gold?

Quicksand: Sure! (slowly shrinks while her tummy recedes until she's on top of a pile of gold bars) Tada!

Mayor Goodway: Wow! She turned all that junk into real gold

Otis Goodway: (chuckles) Now that was an impressive trick!

Mayor Humdinger: Ha! I'll be taking it! (lays on the gold bars)

Mayor Goodway: (annoyed) Mayor Humdinger, we found that fair and square!

(both bicker while climbing the gold bars)

Mason: (to Otis Goodway) So you get tired of their bickering too?

Otis Goodway: (nods) Yep!

(both mayors scream as Quicksand expands her body engulfing both mayors and all the pile of gold bars)

Otis Goodway: Oh dear!

Both mayors: (muffled) We're okay!

(both heads of the mayors emerge from Quicksand's enlarged stomach)

Mayor Humdinger: (annoyed) Pesky golem pup!

Mayor Goodway: (surprised) My word!

Mayor Humdinger: You haven't stopped me yet! (feels around) (shocked) Where's the gold!?

Quicksand: I reabsorbed it! (painlessly divides herself from her enlarged stomach) Good luck in that pile of golem pup clay!

Otis Goodway: Wow! I had no idea you could do that!

Mason: A trick I saw her family learn from the elemental brawlers during a visit!

Terra: Yep!

Quicksand: Also this trick! (controls the golem pup clay freeing both mayors in the process while absorbing the clay into her body again)

Otis Goodway: Nice trick Quicksand!

Mayor Humdinger: No it wasn't!

Mason: May I suggest a hammer?

(Quicksand converts her entire body into a massive mallet)

Mayor Humdinger: (shocked gasps) That's one big mallet! (runs away screaming)

Mayor Goodway: Wow! That sure scared Mayor Humdinger!

(the hammer then changes into Quicksand but she's makes her body size even bigger)

Otis Goodway: Wow! You've become a giant Quicksand!

Quicksand: (giggles) All that mass from the junk I absorbed helped me perform this size altering stunt!

Mayor Goodway: Nice one!

Mason: If you'd like we can take this junk back to the elemental brawlers home, they can use it!

Mayor Goodway: (shrugs) Go ahead Mason, nothing wrong with that!

(scene changes to the living storm region where a massive square is made in the ground by the living storms just as Mason arrives with the golem pups)

Mason: Thanks guys!

Living Drill: (salutes) No problem Mason!

Quicksand: (barfs up hot lava in the square-shaped hole while shrinking in the process)

(several fiery living storms happily jump into a new lava lake)

Quicksand: (giggles) They sure like it!

Mason: Yep!

Terrain: (relaxes in the lava lake) Glad Mason empowered us so lava won't bother us, feels like a nice hot bath!

Quicksand and Terra: (eagerly join Terrain in the lava lake for a soak) (smiles) So soothing!

Mason: Glad we put that junk to good use!

Quicksand: Yep! (rubs her belly) Pretty enjoyable holding it inside my body too!

Terrain: (nuzzles his wife and daughter) Time to relax with a nice swim!

(Terra, Quicksand, and Terrain enjoy swimming in the lava lake alongside many living storms while Mason watches over them before a hammer-shaped iris-out occurs before slowly going to black)


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