Chapter 36

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The next night, Zac had everything planned for their date. Zac knew that everything had to be perfect because this would set the tone for the rest of his relationship with Fatima. Zac was tired of sleeping at one of his parent's hotels, So he pulled out all the stops for Fatima. When Zac got to the house, he knock on the door and Fatima's dad opened the door with major in his arms.

Major: who are you?

Zac turned around to see if there was someone behind him, but it was just him.

Keith: he talking to you young blood.

Zac: what? It's daddy major.

Keith: you know a daddy grandson?

Major: hmm

Major put a finger on his lips like he was thinking.

Major: I don't think I know a daddy papa.

Keith: my grandson don't know a daddy, so state your name and what you doing here.

Zac starts laughing when he realizes what they are doing.

Keith: something funny?

Major: yea

Zac: no sir. I'm Zachary Taylor. I'm here to take Fatima on a date.

Keith: how old are you?

Zac: I'm 25.

Keith: you look 50.

Zac starts laughing.

Keith: there he go laughing again grandson. What's funny?

Zac: Ok Mr. Dub I can't take you serious. Is your daughter ready?

Keith: (laughs) she said she's almost ready come in.

Zac walks in the house and grabs major.

Zac: you don't know who your daddy is now? Huh punk?

Zac attacks major with kisses and tickles causing Major to laugh hard. Major starts to push Zac hand away still laughing.

Major: ok ok daddy stop.

Zac: wassup man daddy missed you.

Major: you just saw me earlier, how did you miss me that quick?

Zac: you didn't miss me.

Major shook his head.

Zac: oh really then I want all my cars back.

Major: (smiles) I'm just playing daddy I miss you.

Zac: yea like I thought.

Major: guess what

Zac: what?

Major: papa said that we are going to Disneyland this weekend.

Zac: really?

Major: yea he said that I'm going to see lighten McQueen and mater when we get there.

Zac: that's-

Fatima finally made her way downstairs, stealing Zac's and major's attention.

Major: wow mommy you look beautiful.

Fatima: thank you baby.

Zac put major down and walked up to Fatima without taking his eyes off her.

Zac: damn you just keep proving that love at first sight is real every time I see you.

Fatima: (smiles) thank you. You don't look too bad yourself.

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