Chapter 30

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Zac was so glad that the dinner was over and everyone was gone. Chrissy was really putting the pressure on him. He knew he had to tell Fatima. He just wanted to wait til they were alone. Zac decided to wait until tomorrow to tell Fatima because he wanted to remind her why they are in love before he gives her the devastating news. Zac went upstairs to their bedroom.

Zac: damn baby I finally got your friend to go home.

Zac walks in to his closet.

Fatima: come here for a second Zachary.

Zac walks out the closet.

Zac: I'm Zachary now. what I do?

Fatima: when were you gonna tell me?

Zac: tell you what?

Fatima: Zac I'm gonna advise you not to act dumb with me. It will just make matters worse.

Zac: babe what are you talking about?

Fatima takes a deep breath.

Fatima: when were you gonna tell me about Chrissy and you?

Zac's heart fell in to his ass. All he could think was shit.

Zac: who told you about that?

Fatima: really that's what you're gonna say to me right now. It doesn't matter who told me. When were you gonna tell me. Matter a fact were you gonna tell me at all?

Zac: yes I was. I just-

Fatima: you just what couldn't find the words to tell me you cheated on me.

Zac: cheated on you? I never cheated on you. Who ever told you that shit you need to stop listening to them.

Fatima: Zac tell me the truth now.

Zac: ok. You remember when Jalen took me to Miami during our break.

Fatima just stayed silent.

Zac: babe you good?

Fatima: continue Zachary.

Zac: we went to a club in Miami that Everyone was telling us to go to. When we got in that's when we ran in to Chrissy and her friend. So we started to hang with them. We got super drunk and Chrissy and I ended up sleeping together.

Fatima: is that all you did?

Zac: no umm after that we kept in touch and we started hanging out more. When we realized we were really feeling each other we decided to see where things would go with us

Fatima: when Jason asked us did we have any secrets. What did you say?

Zac: i said no but-

Fatima: there is no but Zachary. You been sitting on this secret for two years now.

Zac: I know and I'm so sorry

Fatima: you are always sorry. Is this all you are keeping from me?

Zac: before things ended between me and her she told me that she was pregnant, but I had no idea that she had the baby because she disappeared after telling me.

Fatima unplugged the lamp from her side of the bed and threw it at Zac. Luckily Zac had a chance to duck before the lamp hit him.

Zac: Fatima what the fuck.


Zac: I swear I did not know that she kept the baby.

Fatima: (hurt) my best friend Zac really. You are a professional fucking football player. You could have had any of these bitches out here but NO you decided to fuck my best friend. So the little girl she was talking about at dinner- oh hell no you had me in this bitch face at dinner looking real stupid.

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