Chapter 14

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It is now Sunday. Zac has decided to take that hour and a half drive to the MetLife stadium. Everyone has tried to talk him out of going but when Zac's mind is set on something, he's going to go through with it. Fatima decided to go with him because he can't drive himself and she wanted to support the team. Tomorrow she has to be on a plane to Nashville to continue her shows, but She still hasn't came out to tell Zac. Fatima doesn't want this to cause a problem between her and Zac. She has basically work her whole life for this. She can't just give it up now. Zac's mother and little sister Brianna will be staying with him til Fatima gets back. They will be at their house on Monday. Zac and Fatima are 10 minutes from the stadium.

Fatima: are you sure about this because we can easily turn around and go get some food from somewhere.

Zac: no I wanna go.

Fatima: I really don't think this going to be good for you. I think it's gonna make you depressed.

Zac: FATIMA damn I said I was fine. How many times you gone ask me that? I can control my emotions.

Fatima: Zachary I'm trying to be patient and give you time since you are going through a real rough time. But you keep pushing it and you not gone like what you get.

Zac sucks his teeth: you try not being able to do something you love and let me know how you hang it so I can do that.

Fatima makes a hard stop causing Zac to hit his head on the dashboard.

Zac rubbing his head: Fatima what the fuck.

Fatima: I just told you to watch your attitude with me. I'm not the nigga that tackle you causing you so much pain. I'm for damn sure not one of these bitches out here in the street so don't treat me like one of them. I love you but this anger you have is being used on the wrong person and I'm not with that. I am your woman treat me as such or find someone else that's gonna let you talk to them any kind of way because it's not me. My patience are getting thin with you. Fix it ok?

Zac: yea. Can we go before we are late.

Fatima: god I know you love him so do I but please get me the strength to not send him to you earlier than you planned.

Fatima continues to drive. 5 minutes later they make it to the stadium.  Zac and Fatima get escorted to the field to stand on the sideline.

AJ: is that my boy Zac? Wassup baby boy. how you feeling?  (AJ hugs Zac tight)

Zac: (Zac bites his lip trying not to scream) I'm good bro

AJ: that's wassup. Hey Ti how you doing.

Fatima: hello AJ I'm doing fine.

AJ: Ti I know you not still mad at me about the barbecue at your house.

Fatima: AJ where is my glass Tupperware?

AJ: it's at the house. I told Zac to take it home with him when he can over.

Zac: bro don't put me in that cause you know damn well you didn't tell me to do a damn thing. She already mad at me for not packing your food in the plastic.

Fatima: bring back my shit and I want it washed twice I don't know what you got over there at your house.

AJ: I got you Ti yo Zac come on the team about to huddle up.

Zac and AJ was walk over to the team. When they see Zac. The team starts to go crazy.

Zac: wassup guys. I just wanted to come over here and wish yall good luck on the field. Even though I'm not out there with yall. Im over here cheering for each and every one of you. no pressure just go out there and have fun. Come on let's huddle up.

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