(16) Advent House Visit (Part 3)

637 27 14

December 20

Karia: ugh...


Karia: My head hurts....


Tap tap tap

I'm visiting someone today.

For a reason I'd rather not say, my heart is racing.


Karia: .....

I try to reach for my phone.

Ah...I need to Ask Ryuji or Aki to get me some medicine...maybe a bento too, I'm too fucked to make anything....

I open my contacts list.


I'm so nervous.

Just the other day, I thought of him as nothing more than a co-worker, An acquaintance at most.

But now, just the thought of him makes my heart flutter.


Karia: Hello? Ryuji, I need-

Ryuji: S-Sorry man, I'm actually in Hokkaido with my family and Senchou right now. I heard from Boss that you're sick, what a horrible time for that too.

Karia: You're tellin' me. How's Hokkaido by the way?

Ryuji: Oh, it's awesome!

Karia: Yeah? Bring me back a souvenir okay?

Ryuji: Noted.

Karia: I'm gonna try to call Aki now.

Ryuji: Yeah, you go do that, Wish you the best man.

Karia: Have fun on your trip yeah?

I hang up.

Karia: ...


Aki: Hello Karia?

Karia: Sorry to call Aki but-

Aki: Yeah sorry man, I'm actually in China right now.

Karia: Even further away...!!!

Aki: Yeah, I wanted to take my girlfriend and sister on a trip for Christmas.

Aki's girlfriend: Is that Amagi-san on the phone?

Aki: huh? Yeah.

Aki's girlfriend: Can I speak to him?

Aki: Sure.

Karia: ...?

Aki's Girlfriend: Hello Amagi-san, How are we feeling?

Karia: I feel like I just watched all of 3*5 d*ys.

Aki's girlfriend: Hehe, don't worry I sent my Kouhai over to take care of you.

Karia: huh? What do you mean by that?

Aki's girlfriend: She should be there by now.

I hear my doorbell.

I check outside.

Karia: R-Rissa...?

Aki's girlfriend: Ah, so she IS there now. Well then, I'll leave you guys to it. Here you go Aki.

Aki: Gotta go Karia, I'll bring you a souvenir.


Karia: ....

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