(05) Advent Rest and Relaxation (Part 1)

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Karia: Good afternoon.

Shiori: Woah! You look like shit!

Karia: I always look like this.

Shiori: That's not what I meant. (///=v=)

Mococo: Dude did you even sleep?

Karia: Well let's see...this week so far I've done nothing but go to school, study, do paperwork as your manager, come here to do more paperwork, make sure you guys don't do any sus things on your streams....No Shiori, I'm not gonna give you the ok on a mortuary stream.

Shiori: Tch.

Bijou: There really is something wrong with you. (///=_=)

Karia: Uh...shit...guess I didn't slot in sleeping time. *Yawn* Fuck it. I'll just destroy myself with Energy drinks and coffee.

I continue walki-

Karia: ow.

Nerissa: Nope. You're going to rest today.

Karia: No I'm not.

Fuwawa: our streams are actually postponed until tomorrow.

Karia: hah? Why wasn't I told about this?

Bijou: Well it wasn't decided until this morning. Honestly I was ready to stream too.

Karia: Huh? Then what about you two? Did you do FuwaMoco morning?

Mococo: We did but...we had to cut it short.

Karia: why?

Shiori: well...it seems the higher-ups from the cell are starting to fight back.

Fuwawa: It was horrible! They spammed our chat!

Karia: eh? That's pretty scary. What did your fans say?

Mococo: Thankfully they took our side but that won't stop those guys from going after us.

Bijou: Yagoo and some highly skilled staff are currently trying to find a way to completely block our streams from those guys.

Karia: That's good to hear I guess.

Shiori: Now is a perfect opportunity to get some rest Amagi.

Karia: Good point. I guess I'll do that........after my paperwork.

Nerissa: Fuck your paperwork. (///=_=) Get some sleep!

Karia: ...okay.

I drag myself outside the buildi-


"Amagi-kun!?" "He's dead!? Let's GOOOO- ahem! Should we call an ambulance?" "You aren't fooling anyone Mococo." "He's still breathing. Thank goodness!" "C'mon help me carry him."


Karia: .....

Ugh...my head...

Shiori: Hello! Welcome to heaven!

Karia: Huh. I died. Guess that means this is hell since I see Shiori.

Shiori: Yeah yeah screw you too.

Bijou: are you okay?

Karia: Yep...Just a light headache. Where am I anyway?

Shiori: You're in my room.

Karia: ....No seriously where am I?

Shiori: You're in my room.

Karia: No no no, this couldn't be your room. It's all cutesy and girly. Your room would be full of bats and tombstones.

Nerissa: I'm surprised too. I would have thought you'd at least have a very gothic room.

Bijou: If you told me this was a Kid's room I would have believed you.

Karia: Did I collapse?

Nerissa: Yeah, it was a pretty bad fall too. You were bleeding everywhere.

Karia: what!? Really?

Shiori: Oh I already collected all your blood.

Karia: Throw it away!

Shiori: what? You're not using it, might as well donate it to me.

Mococo: mmm...There really is something wrong with you. (///=_=)

Karia: *sigh* whatever, well thanks I guess, I'm gonna head out now-



Karia: ....Why am I chained to the bed?

Bijou: You're just gonna overwork yourself again.

Shiori: You aren't leaving until you have all your energy back.

Karia: I have all my energy back. Can I go now?

Nerissa: You are so full of shit. (#=v=) It's starting to piss me off.

Karia: ....

I look down.

Karia: Hah. Doesn't seem like you're pissing. Looks like you're the one full of shit.

Nerissa: Alright that's it-!

Shiori: Woah woah! Calm down there Tweety bird!

Mococo: You're really good at making people hate you huh. (=_=)

Karia: What...? Does that mean Mococo hates me? Wahh...I'm so sad...I'm crying....Sob...sob....sob...sob...

Bijou: ......(His sarcasm knows no bounds.)

Mococo: *Blush* I-I don't HATE you...just...just dislike...just a little bit...

Bijou: ......(Her stupidity knows no bounds.)

Karia: Look, I'm a really busy guy.

Shiori: I already got the "Ok" from Yagoo, so shut up and let us spoil you for today.

Nerissa: Don't worry about anything else Amagi-Kun, Just rest easy and try to fall asleep.

Karia: ....*sigh* ....guess there's no way outta this huh...fine I'll take your offer.

Shiori: Good, If you need us don't hesitate to call.

She puts my phone next to me.

After that she releases one of my hands from its shackles.

Karia: ....

Nerissa: well, I'mma head out now. I'll be in my room Amagi so don't hesitate to call me.

Fuwawa: Me and Moco-chan will be in our room too.

Bijou: Same with me.

They leave one by one.

Shiori: .....

Karia: Aren't you leaving too?

Shiori: A little later. For now I'm gonna do some Archiving. Go to sleep or I'll poke your eyes with a scalpel.

Karia: ....!

Shiori: .....

She's scary...

To be continued....

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