(06) Advent Rest and Relaxation (Part 2)

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Karia: .....ugh...

I wake up facing an unfamiliar ceiling.

Karia: .....


Shiori: ......

Oh yeah...she hasn't returned my book yet.

Karia: How long will you keep holding on to my property? As far as I remember I didn't even give you permission to borrow that.

Shiori: Well your sister didn't exactly give you permission to take it either did she?

Karia: ....!


Karia: That's not funny Shiori.

Shiori: Hah. No need to get mad. Here I'm done reading it.

She places my copy of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" on top of my chest.

Karia: .....

Shiori: What? Still angry?

Karia: Just how much do you know about me?

Shiori: Hehehe~ Oh Poor...sweet...Karia Amagi, I know eeeeeeverything about you. I'm an archiver after all. Your life is but another one of my bedtime stories.

She gets on top of me.

Shiori: Everything you "think" you remember I remember in full detail. The others may not know why you're so full of...rage....

She caresses my face.

Shiori: But I do.

Karia: ....What are you playing at Shiori?

Shiori: Come now, It's not like I mean you any harm. Quite the opposite actually.

She gets off me and walks to the door.

Shiori: Honestly I feel sorry for you. You used to be so full of life....so happy, so friendly, so approachable. You were everyone's dream best friend....but after one tragic event you stopped living.

Karia: .....

Shiori: No...more like you Refuse to live.

She leaves the room.

Karia: ......

What the hell was that about? Talking like she knows me...!

I remove the book laying on my chest.

Karia: ....

I try to sleep again.

....I refuse to live huh...?

That girl knows nothing about me.

I close my eyes...



Karia: ....!?

Fuwawa: A..Ah! I'm sorry Manager-san!

Mococo: I told you it was gonna make a loud sound!

Karia: What are you guys even doing? Hell why are you here anyway? I don't remember calling you.

Fuwawa: Shiori told us to keep an eye on you, you know...so you won't escape.

Mococo: We got bored so we decided to play some board games.

Karia: ...

I try to see what the box says.

"Drop×Pop: Drop the ball and wake the living shit out of your neighbors"

HoloDrops 2: Advent Days (HoloEN Gen3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें