(03) Advent Work

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There's no school today so I decided to put in some extra working hours.

Karia: 1 Curry set please.

Lunch lady: Comin' right up hon. Hey trainee! A lunch set on the double.

Vendor: Is that all stranger?

Karia: ....mm...Give me some Strawberry ice cream too.

Vendor: HeheheHA! Thank you!

I take my tray and head for a table.

Nerissa: ....mm? Ah! Amagi-Kun over here!

Karia: ah, Good morning Ravencroft.

Nerissa: Jeez you can just call me Rissa ya'know? No, I would prefer you call me that.

Karia: I see, Very well then, Rissa it is. "レイヴンクロフト" (Reivunkurofuto)  is kinda awkward to say anyway.

Nerissa: There's no need to talk shit about my name. (///=v=)

Karia: hmm.... it's inefficient?

Nerissa: That's the same thing!

Bijou: Mornin' squad.

Bijou takes a seat next to Rissa.

Karia: Good morning to you too.

Bijou: Did you hear Amagi? Apparently Shiorin caught a cold.

Karia: oh?

Nerissa: Well that's what she gets for trying to catch insects in the rain.

Karia: .....

Nerissa: .....?

Karia: She's....a weird one isn't she...

I eat my curry.

Nerissa: *sigh* You're telling me.

Karia: ....

This curry is good.

Karia: ...phew...spicy.




I take my energy drink from the vending machine.

Karia: Now then, First of all I have to check with the senpai FuwaMoco is collabing with, after that-


Karia: ....

*Sigh* might as well...

I knock on Shiori's door.

Karia: It's Amagi.

"Ah! come in, come in!"

Karia: .....

I straighten my tie and go inside the room

Shiori: Well hello there. *sniff*

Karia: Hah. You've certainly seen better days.

Shiori: Oh? Did you come to bully me? Don't bite now or I'll have to spread my germs!

Karia: Here.

I place my energy drink on her head.

Shiori: Oou. Cold!

She takes the drink.

Karia: How are you feeling?

Shiori: I'll live.

She drinks the energy drink.

Karia: What the hell were you thinking playing out in the rain? What are you 5 years old?

HoloDrops 2: Advent Days (HoloEN Gen3)Where stories live. Discover now