(02) Advent Life

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Karia: ....*sneeze*

I get out of my bed.

Karia: Mm...damn it. Why do I always get terrible bed hair?

I fix my hair.


Karia: ...kkgh!

I'll just wet it before I leave.



Karia: ....

I prepare my usual Grilled Fish, Tamagoyaki and Miso soup.


Mm. Rice is done too.

TV: *Idolm@ster rerun playing*

Karia: ....*sigh*


Karia: I'm leaving now.

I look at my sister's picture on the way out.

Karia: .....

I lock up.


clickety-clack clickety-clack

I always take the train to school, most students do as well however there are quite a few of them who walk to school as well. I guess it just depends whether you live close or not. I believe Aki walks to school too.

"We are now arriving at Chūō-ku"

Karia: .....


Aki: *Yawn* Mornin' gents.

Hiragi: Kanemoto-kun, you look more sleep deprived than yesterday.

Aki: Yeah, Kronii wanted to marathon the entirety of the Harry Potter films.

Ryuji: And you agreed to be there why exactly?

Aki: Because She looked like she was gonna cry if I left her alone with her subway sandwich. *Yawn* Forget about that don't you wanna know about who Karia is managing?

Hiragi: Oh that's right! You're managing HoloEN's 3rd generation right?

Karia: Yeah.

Hiragi: wait that means all 3 of you work at Cover now. That's pretty cool.

Ryuji: Good for you Karia, I know how much you love idols so-

Karia: I didn't do it because I liked Idols. Honestly I'm starting to lose interest in such fleeting trends.

Hiragi/Aki/Ryuji: a..ah.....

Ryuji: Then...what are you doing it for?

Karia: Money. I don't have anymore family so I have to survive on my own.

Aki: I see....

I can see them trying to avoid the subject.

Karia: Anyway I'm losing interest in Otaku culture in general anyway, God knows when the last time I watched anything related to HoloLive.

Aki: Well looks like you'll be dragged back down the rabbit hole man, After all you're ADVENT's manager now.

Karia: ....*sigh* Guess so.

Hiragi: Well? Tell us about them.

Karia: hmm....One is a weirdo goth chick who's still a mystery to me, There's this Tall girl who's amazing at singing and is obsessed with Idol culture, There's also the twins, one is a siscon and one is way too nice and polite, Then there's..........a magical girl who is a chad.

HoloDrops 2: Advent Days (HoloEN Gen3)Where stories live. Discover now