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"Romilly I'm not supporting him. It's so unlike him. I just don't want you to hate him" I spoke.

I want them to have what I didn't have. A relationship with their father from a young age. "we get it. That's why we planned something for daddy and papa. " I smiled. "I love you" I said holding her close.

Soon the door opened revealing Igor, Nicole and the birthday boy also known as Ryker. "my baby is all grown up" I said bringing him in for a hug.

"Mom it's just a year older" he said while blushing. "It's not just a year older. This symbolises our strength and happiness " Igor said while hugging them.

"Yes it was today 11 years ago that your mother gave birth to you and also the first time I saw your mother " Nicole said while hugging me from behind.

"I love you guys so much " Ryker said. "You guys are the best family I could ask for " Romilly said and we got in for a family hug

Time flies. If you told me ten years ago that I'd be happily married to two handsome men and my kids would still be be alive I'd laugh at you.

I'm glad things turned out the way they are . Things happen for the best. Anything bad that's happening right now is temporarily. ( This is a message for who ever is reading this)

"Okay let's get going everyone is waiting" Igor said. Ryker and Romilly ran out the room. I placed my head on Nicole's shoulder.

Nicole wrapped his arm around my waist. "They grow up so fast" I said. "They do" Nicole said and he kissed my cheek leaving the room.

"You should take it easy with work..stop over working yourself" I said as I hugged him. "I will" he kissed my lips. "I love you" he said. "Daddy" Romilly said at the door.

We have a rule here. No yelling is aloud at all costs. (Wish that was installed at home because damn I'ma go deaf soon)

Igor walked to here. "can you help me with the crown?" She asked. Igor crouched down to her height. Romilly is taking my  height.

Igor did the crown. We have the whole family as in all  11 siblings of mine. (Levi, Belinda, Roman, Archie, Milo, Amis, Anis, Canon, Jasper, Beatrice, Alba if y'all forgot) and or rather not sure Noah.

Then we have mom,dad, Saint,my other father , Akio and my in laws along with their friends.

They left the room and my phone rang. It was my doctor. Strange. I answered the call with anticipation. "Hello am I speaking to Mrs Alcantara?" The doctor said.

"Yes doc this is Cecilia speaking" what would have made her call? "I'm calling regarding the tests that were taken yesterday afternoon" oh I get it now.

I'm not pregnant. My heart broke. "the results came back positive" what the freaking hosepipe is happening. Me Cecilia Alcantara? Pregnant? That's a miracle.

I was told that because of the abuse I can't convince so I went to a different doctor. "Mrs Alcantara are you still there? " I'm pregnant. My eyes welled up.

"Yea I'm still here" I said with a shaky voice. "Umm I'd like to book you in for farther discussion. Is Tuesday 4pm alright?" I'm pregnant. "Yeah it is. Doc how long have I been pregnant for?"I asked.

"According to your blood test about 16 weeks"

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