Stale Streets

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I pouted while strolling in my own apartment, voluntarily looking once or twice at the blank wall. What am I supposed to do right now? Taehyung went for his business trip, I have already called my parents twice since morning they might get bored of me too. Most of my firends are either busy or out of town. Actually most of them are always busy and I know for a fact that it is true. I might get in touch with Jimin but since his whole company fiasco, he has been nothing but busy, But it's Sunday. I might give it a try. 

He and Taehyung came across all their complications last week or before, Mina and I set up their meeting and the rest they sorted things out on their own, it was childish and by the end I could still reminisce their happy face. It was worth the efforts. 

I jumped on the bean bag and pick my phone up. 

"Hey, Sana", he was sounding happy.

"Hey Hey..., How are you and where are you??", I came straight to the point.  He chuckled, already knowing that what my situation is right now. 

"I am just at this advertisement location, for a magazine shoot for our new project and I can't tell you the details. " , I hummed knowingly , so he is also busy. 

"If you get time, we can have lunch together sanasi", he laughed at my momentary yelp and I regained my stance. 

"I would love to ", he laughed again and told me the time, by then the shoot would be almost over or maybe stretch after lunch too, he detailed and hung up. Just after dropping the call he send me the address and I frowned....this place, I know this place....

"Taehyung's family cafe would be just a block away!!", I smiled as I recalled his chirpy cousin, he welcomes me so well. When I first met him, he used to hit on me with his cheesy lines, ohhh those were the cringe comedy of my life, but irrespective of all those healthy flirting, we became close like actual cousins. We three, we used to have blast during summer times. 

"Should I pay that place a visit?", it still haunted me, the place I despiced since last year. That was the place where....where he dumped me, fuck....literal fucking hell. I was so in love, so much I loved, adored him. I still, at times like this imagine myself to be with him, just to hurt my heart a little more. I imagine a scenario of him being with me after all this. Ohh I am over him, for that I am sure, but it's harder to forget what you once loved like it was the only thing existed. He would never know how much I loved him, he doesn't deserve to know. 

"It's good that he's gone.....", I trudged to my room, with a little energy I gained with my anger. He means nothing to me, nothing. I will go to Tae's cafe and I will go there without a heavy heart. I am a pretty strong women, I can deal with heartbreaks.

I picked up a simple outfit and decided to take a body shower, I just feel like it. I unintentionally peeked over at the bunch of flowers kept on my side table, they were on the verge of dying even after I kept it in the vase with suffiecient water.  Those were the flowers I picked for Tzuyu's engagment, I was so stupid that day. Taehyung was driving and when he went away to buy these flowers, I then read the mail she sent. I was bewildered, she was definitely in love with him and then when the news was out. I was astounded, sad for her. I am sure that guy broke her pretty heart. Guys are always the same.

I didn't called Tzuyu right away, I knew she would tackling with endless phone calls at the moment. I did called after a couple of days, making a dinner plan. She came, and she tried her best to smile that day. I didn't pursuaded her to talk to me about it, just wanted to distract her. In some way she sounded sckeptical about me, blanking or spacing out at times.

I huffed a sigh and took the flowers out in my kitchen garden. I can use the smell somewhere. I kept all the flowers, after detatching them with their stems, in a bowl of hot water and covered it. I can a make a room freshner of this. I don't often do this but this is a good way I suppose. 

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