walking with her

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The reality was I couldn't sleep because of the reasons that is obvious, she was reeling in my mind time to time and when I saw her going out, it just made me worried to the extent that I was about to open the glass window to jump, but somehow I managed to run down but she went out of sight in a blow of wind. I searched her for literally everywhere until I decided to check the hotel again and ask the receptionist but turned out she was waiting for me there, how lucky I can get....

True thing that every time I encountered her I felt mesmerized and it's for sure that I care for her , I have to protect and preserve the muss of my best painting.

She is so thoughtful and somehow I didn't felt nice to turn her gift down but I have different plans and it would be a waste of her money if I accepted it, I was truthful to her and unlike others she understood me, It turn out that I got the chance to spend more time with her, now all I want is to search a way to spend more time with her, how can I convince her to spend this vacation with me, I just want to protect her and to assure myself that she is safe and sound with a smile that I desire to come across daily.

Apart from this...there is another reason that is quite obvious, I mean who doesn't want an ethereal beauty beside them even for once and here seeing my luck, I am sure things will go great.

It was the moment we stopped in front of a store when my thoughts took a pause, we entered and the attention of the salesman fell on us, there was barely anyone else. It was time of closing and he was about to pack up things but stopped when he saw us.

AN obnoxious frown was formed when his gaze shifted to me from Sana  and breaking the ice she started the conversation "we met again", he nodded with a smile and she looked at me, I gave him the bag while she asked to proceed further, "I want to return this, we just brought it a while ago".

He nodded and weirdly glared at me, he made the return receipts and it was all done in a few minutes, while he was making the bills, Sana came up with an offer that I can't turn down in my life or even in my after life .

"But you have to accept tomorrow's breakfast , please" . I nodded happily, drooling over her adorable eyes and cute gestures.....how adorable, but my stare was interrupted when the man interrupted "here ma'am".

He handed some coupons to her with a smile.

We bowed before stepping to head out but before we can turn he sternly exclaimed, kinda mocking me for absolutely reason "How can you leave your girl friend, what a terrible boy friend you are", this put a frown on my face as I looked at Sana whose eyes were widen, "h-he is not my boy f-friend" Sana replied and he tilted his head in confusion asking some alien questions "Then who left you?".

She gulped as she took my wrist, which just brought some instant jubilation to me, "long story " she said before immediately bowing and dashing off and pulling me out at the same time, she was surely embarrassed and here I was confused and contended at the same time.

"What was that? What was he talking about" I asked once she dropped her hand from mine, which felt like it was snapped in a moment of seconds, Am I really a simp for her....hard to accept, but I hella am!!

"Well, it's a pretty long story, which is the reason for everything" she said in a low tone, her voice whispering at the edge of cracks. She sighed and I assured "It's ok if you're not comfortable sharing, it's not easy". 

She smiled warmly as we were on the grand entrance of the hotel.....hell I am starting to hate destination that is this close now. I personally don't want to go in any sooner, just want to walk further with her even if my legs strike down at the end.

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