Death Sentence

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Being framed is the worst thing that could ever happen to a person and Philip knew this. He endured the stares and the whispers right from the day he was tagged his father's killer. Many reporters had tried to craft a story of how he wanted to take over oz corp. some even said he hated his father because he was an ungrateful spoilt brat.

The stares never went away even though he was walking around freely. There is always one or two persons who will give him the 'he killed his father' look. And the worst of them was Elena Landmark. She'd always look at him with a sneer like she resented him. Like she could see into his soul.

Like he was hiding something, and Philip knew he was hiding something.

Elliot's death. The one he and his friends had covered up.

Elliot's death was complete self-defence, but who would believe anything they say with the allegations stacked against him. Riley's audio recording that may have exonerated them was stolen from her. Right before she was involved in her accident, injuring the leg, Elliot, their friend, had mercilessly dislocated.

"Fuck," Philip cursed lowly. When will this end? He thought to himself.

"I know she can be intense, but just ignore her," Amanda whispered to him. They were both standing in the courtroom's hallway. Amanda was persecuting Ian Bushwick for his crimes. Philip had come to support her and Ralph, but deep down, it was to put himself in Amanda's face since Elliot was still indisposed.

The woman of his dreams was in the arms of another man because he couldn't keep his zip up. "Pfft." He scoffed.

Amanda turned to him with her hands folded across her chest, "what is your problem?" she asked. "if it's Elena, ignore her and look at the bigger picture."

Elena had disappeared into one of the offices, probably to see her judge friend, who we helped them issue an arrest for the governor. Soon, he might just get to the bottom of his father's death. From the corner of his eye, he spots Amanda taking a deep breath. "Explain to me why you are scared when we have already won this?"

"I'm thinking I get Ian to implicate the governor too on the stand."

"Even better...." Ralph looks down at his watch. "Court starts in 25. We should get seated." He added.

Philip couldn't resist the urge to look around. Something felt off, but he can't seem to place his finger on it. "Amanda..." he calls. Where was Ian if it was just twenty-five minutes?

She turned to him, shooting him a questioning look. "Umm..." he looks down at his watch.

"Amanda!" Elena called in a loud voice.

Something is wrong. Philip could tell by the distressed look Elena wore.

Elena shook her head as soon as Amanda's eyes met hers. What is that supposed to mean? He wanted to ask.

"What's going on?" Ralph asked, beating him to it. As Philip's legs have a mind of their own, they begin trailing behind Amanda.

"She changed her mind." Philip heard Elena say, and he skidded to a halt. God, please, no. Philip stood rooted to the ground. They were so close.

"why?" Amanda asked, grabbing Ralph's hand. Fuck! Philip cursed mentally just when his phone started to chirp in his pocket. He pulls it out to see it's from Elijah. "what's taking so long? We are already facing one challenge right now, so get Ian here asap."

'Ahem,' Elijah coughs in the background.

It is then Philip realises the wails and sirens from the other end of the call. "Elijah.." he called, swallowing down hard. "...what is going on?"

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