Chapter 2 - Caleb

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I hate Jeremey Everest. I hated him when he was alive, and somehow, I hate him more now that he's dead. Mr Perfect. Mr Perfect football player, Mr Perfect boyfriend, Mr Perfect student. One year on, and he still makes my insides churn. His stupidly attractive face, his golden locks, his charm that seemed to gain the attention of every girl in school.

   To me, he was an abominable human. An evil spirit with no humanity. I despised him. I despise him still, with every bone in my body. I ern for a fresh start away from the devil that is Jeremey Everest. I want to leave this town. I need a new life for me and my sister.

   Entering this competition and winning one hundred and fifty thousand pounds would allow me and my sister to leave this town, and in turn, leave all memory of Jeremey Everest behind.

   I checked my phone before leaving the gym.

UNKNOWN NUMBER – Sent 4:54pm

I hope everyone is prepared – one more day to go until the big COMPETITION! Things to remember on your arrival:

-       Location: 16 Fairfield Avenue, London, E20 R17X.

-       Our day will run from 8am-4:30pm, however lunch, snacks and beverages will be provided so no need to bring your own.

-       Our lucky winner will be announced at the end of the day and the reward will be given within due time.

-       Dress to impress; first impressions matter!

-       All contestants must sign our agreement form prior to the competition – this will be issued on your arrival.

-       Cheating is strictly prohibited. Teaming up with the other competitors may result in disqualification.

Not much to remember, right? I am looking forward to meeting you all at 8am sharp Friday morning! All the best from yours truly, Everett Hedy-Sid.

Teaming up in a competition – doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of a competition? I put my phone into my gym bag and got in my car, ready to go home.

   I grip my leather steering wheel with force; all I can think about is Jeremey Everest. He doesn't deserve all of this attention. The remembrance celebration, the kind words from peers, the sympathetic cries from girls at school. None of it is deserved, not after what he did, even if he is dead.


"Delilah, I'm home," I shout as I enter through my front door. Narla, our family dog comes rushing over to me – covering me in dog kisses. I huff when I realise she has covered my clothing in her dark brown hair, "Your fur is like glitter Narla, once it touches me I can never get rid of it," I laugh, stroking Narla as I attempt to brush off the pieces of hair on my clothes and gym bag.

   "Tell me about it, I've been trying to get her hair off my white bomber jacket for weeks," my younger sister laughs while descending the staircase. "How was the gym?" Delilah throws me a beautiful smile, "Did you pump a lot of iron?" My sister shows off her biceps, giggling to herself.

   "No silly, I sat on the floor for an hour, hoping my muscles will grow themselves," I say flatly.

   "Very funny." Her smile fades and her eyes roll to the back of her head.

"Look Delilah, I'm going to be out all day tomorrow. The fridge is stocked, and mum and dad should be home by 7pm. And don't even think about skipping school, I have already rung the office to make sure you are there."

   "Ugh, Caleb, it's Friday tomorrow though – that's basically the weekend, meaning I should just skip it," my sister huffs in annoyance, her eyebrows furrowing as she tries to justify missing school.

   "No Delilah, you are going to school. You've nearly finished year twelve, you've literally got like one month left." Even though I am only one year older than my sister, we could not be more different. I'm pretty decent at all of the academic stuff, but it's football I am really passionate about.     

   Delilah, however, has never been the academic or sporty type; she's always been more artsy. She has big dreams of becoming a Hollywood actress. When Delilah began dating Jeremey Everest, her dream started to become a reality, when his mum took her under her wing. My sister loved dating someone who's mum ran a talent agency – secretly I think that Delilah never loved Jeremey, I believe she was only in it for the work opportunity. But God knows what went on between them two. He has always been a creepy guy and after the whole incident, I seriously doubt she had any care for him at all.

   I am becoming more and more apprehensive as I read over the previous messages I have received from an unknown number. Everett Hedy-Sid, such an odd name. In all honesty, this whole ordeal is very odd. All I know is that I need to win. No matter what they throw at me, I need to beat all odds and show that I remain supreme. For the sake of me and my sister, that one hundred and fifty thousand pounds will be mine. Not one person on this planet will get in the way of that.

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