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It's been a long time since I've written anything about JeongHyo. I went through a big shame phase and took down shipping stuff of social media but today I got the urge to post so i founud this in my files. If you have any comments or questions feel free to ask me. hope you enjoy.


Here I am again, after hours behind the school on the floor all bloody and bruised after getting beat up by her again. I just stare up at the sky hoping that the pain will go away soon. Today was worse than normal, longer too, they even used a thick branch to hit me this time.

But what could I do? I can't stand a chance in a fight when it's three against one. She always has her friends with her, I have no one. Well that's not totally true but they always find me when I'm alone. Maybe it's my fault, maybe I should avoid being alone.

"Maybe I'm just a fucking idiot"

I say out loud to no one but myself. 'I should probably get up now' I think to myself.

I try to push myself up from the ground but miserably fail as soon as I feel the paint in my stomach intensified.


I whisper under my breath and close my eyes.

I hear the sound of people running.

"Jeongyeon! Jeongyeon! JEONGYEON!"

'Crap, they're gonna see me like this' I try to get up again but I'm only able to roll over.

"Come on Jeong, where are you?!"

I try again, I manage to get on my knees.

"Guys! I see her!"

I hear Rosé call out.

'Come on Jeongyeon, don't be so weak, get up!' I try again but fall over due to my arm giving out. But as soon as I'm on the floor I feel Rosé pick me right back up.

"Jeong! What happened?" She asks me while she pushes away my hair from my face.

Before I get the chance to answer her, Jennie, Lisa, and Jisoo kneel in front of me.

"What happened?" They all ask at the same time.

"Nothing much really" I answer with the best smile I can give trying to make light of the situation.

"Aren't you the funny type?" Jennie says while rolling her eyes trying to look annoyed at me but her voice is shaky.

"I try my best you know-" I cough before I can finish what I was saying. I haven't noticed how dry my throat is. I feel a hand on my knee.

"Who did this?" Jisoo asks me with a stern voice and a serious look in her eyes, it would be more intimidating if she wasn't so close to crying. I look away "please, please tell us" she begs me.

"Kang...Danielle" I hesitantly answered her.

"What? There's no way Danielle would..." Jisoo looks completely shocked by my answer. Almost like she's been lied to like the answer hurt her feelings.

"I'm gonna kick her ass" Lisa's whisper is enough to get everyone's attention.

"Good luck with that when she has so many friends with her" I tell her, and unexpectedly they all freeze.

"It wasn't just Danielle?" Jennie is almost scared to ask me. I nod to give her my answer.

"Let's get out of here," Rosé says while helping me get up from the floor. But before she has the chance to pull me along to the car I stop them, there is no way I'm going home like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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