christmas kisses

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*Song rec - Lover
by Taylor Swift*

I felt someone nudge my shoulder in hopes of waking me up. My eyebrows push together, eyes remaining closed as I raise my head from Minho's shoulder and rub my tired eyes.

The car ride was long and I blame Felix for thinking it would be a better idea to road-trip instead of taking a plane, we would've arrived a lot sooner and wouldn't have to stop to rent a motel two times.

"Ji, baby, we're almost there" Minho whispered in my ear, keeping his voice low as I was just in a deep sleep.

I open my eyes, a slight frown on my face at how bright it was but soon my eyes widen at the sight.

Snow covered the ground and trees, this was my first time seeing snow—maybe all of our first time as we never got snow in our small beach town.

I never had the urge to see snow but now I knew what I was missing all these years. It was beautiful. There was no sun as the clouds covered the sky with the snow making everything so bright that there was no need.

I looked back to Minho with a smile and he was already looking at me with a certain look in his eyes. I shyly snuggle up to him and sigh "I guess the road trip was worth it" I mumble, making him chuckle.

"What was that?" Felix spoke up from the passenger side of the car, looking back at us with a knowing smile.

Okay, I did throw at least three tantrums since the start of this trip because the thought of being in a car for hours with Minho and Chan sounded like literal hell on earth. Separately, they were bearable. Together made me want to gouge my eyes out.

The amount of bromance and 'jokes' they told me and Felix made me want to jump in front of a car and not think of the consequences. Felix and I got so irritated to the point where last night we roomed together and left them in another room.

"The road trip was worth it, happy?" I admit to him after constantly ranting about how much this was the worst idea of his.


We pull up to the cabin if that's what you would call this. It was a lot bigger than what Felix told me. This whole trip was his idea as he has always wanted to visit a snowy area around Christmas.

We all get off and Felix squeals happily, kneeling and grabbing a handful of snow. "You'll make your hand freeze love," Chan tells him, walking to Felix.

Felix stands up as Chan approaches him and throws the snow straight in his face making me snort and Minho bursts into loud laughter

Chan slowly opens his eyes, betrayal written on his face "Now why would you do that?"

Felix gives him a guilty smile "To make you smile?"

Before Chan can react a loud honking of a car pulls up and out runs Jeongin, "I always wanted to do this" He says randomly, immediately jumping into the snow.

"Dude, now you'll have to sit outside to dry," Hyunjin says annoyed, getting out of the car.

"It's cold out, he won't dry," Seungmin tells him, getting out of the car as well.

"Oh, yeah"

I felt a hand wrap around my arm and I looked to see Felix as he pulled me to Hyunjin, grabbing his hand and running us to the cabin. "We get to pick a room first" Felix yelled to the others.

Felix wanted us to room together but I think it was mostly for Hyunjin's sake. Hyunjin had gotten into a relationship maybe two months after Minho and I officially started dating and things were looking serious with the two but that crashed and burned a week ago. You bet the boys—Minho and Chan were not so happy about this idea of us rooming together but we were not leaving Hyunjin solo.

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