bones and skull

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Assalam o Alaikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

"So... you finally recognize me...

Well done Kim Seokjin...

The most successful exorcist or should I say...

The most respectful owner of this house."

Taehyung was smirking at Jin who was standing in front of him with a straight face. Taehyung was about to run from there but Jin grabbed his nape quickly and pinched at the skin on his nape.

"So eager to escape? Don't you want to meet me after a long time?" Jin smirked and blew a little at his face after chanting a word.

Taehyung growled but couldn't leave the grip of Jin. Jimin and Namjoon couldn't understand the situation but chose to ignore asking the questions as Jin's face was scary at that time.

Jimin knows Namjoon but just heard about him once when Namjoon introduced them on a video call.

Jin was a neighbor of Namjoon in Korea when they first met and came together for some personal work, in Japan. They met often so there built an attraction in Namjoon's heart as he decided to propose to him but he couldn't get a chance and got busy solving the case.

He knows Jin is a member of the church and was a teacher in an exorcist's academy in the evening so he decided to ask for his help.

At first, he denied it and started ignoring him but as Namjoon was stubborn because of his professional attitude as a detective, he kept bugging Jim and after a whole week Jin agreed to help his friends.

Yoongi knows Namjoon because of Hoseok who was a classmate of his from university. So... they linked together just like that. But now Jimin was scared for Taehyung too, who was struggling in Jin's hold and was almost choking him still mumbling some words silently, with dark intimate eyes.

Namjoon was the first to interrupt him, to choke Taehyung to death and Jimin ran to Taehyung to hold him before he met the floor.

"What are you doing? You were killing him." Namjoon was worried for Taehyung now whose eyes and face were red and he was coughing badly in Jimin's arms who was worriedly staring at him.

"Hyung... he is a victim, not a ghost. Why did you do that?" Jin groaned but sighed to calm him down.

"Not everything is fine here. Don't trust anyone like that... but he is fine now." Jin said and started walking to the room but Namjoon's voice stopped him.

"So you're the owner? Of this house?" Jin refused to help just because of this. He doesn't want to face these questions.

"Yes... I'll tell you all the things but first, we need to save your friends because time is ticking fast and we can't leave without them." He said calmly and entered the room after giving a glance.

Jimin and Taehyung walked inside behind Jin and Namjoon who were silently walking there.

"Taehyung... stay close to him. We can't take any risk? We need to find our men." Jimin whispered near Taehyung, who nodded slightly as his head spun badly and his legs were not in good condition.

Jin entered the room where they saw graves but two were empty and the other two were cracking like an eggshell. 

Jin calmly observe them then looked around and spot a ring near the grave which was shining in the dim light.

He walked and put it in his palm. Namjoon walked to him to see the thing he found but Jin didn't show it to him and calmly wore his red scarf with a cross sign.

He mumbled some words in some silver rings and gave them to wear, one by one.

Taehyung hesitated at first but Jimin nodded to calm him and asked him to help them for Jungkook. So by the name of his love, he wore it and the three of them sat there on the muddy floor of the room where Taehyung was already sitting as he was in so much pain.

Jimin was worried for Taehyung too because he was a doctor and Taehyung was in pain and he couldn't do anything for him, there.

"Stay calm but alert. They are still in this room. We need to find him.

We've just this hour. So be attentive and don't leave your hands, until I say." Jin spoke and all of them nodded firmly at his order.

"Have you any idea where we are?" Jungkook asked dusting his pants and sleeves as there was mud everywhere.

Yoongi was standing close to Jungkook as the darkness wasn't helping them and they barely see around them.

"I don't know... but it's an eerie place. Just stay close. We need to go back." He mumbled his last words as he was comforting himself.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes to see around but it was no use as it was too dark. Yoongi smells something as well as Jungkook who sniffs too.

"What's this smell? Is in it gasoline?" Jungkook said with a frown.

"And some rotting meat too. Like some bodies are rotten here." Yoongi said and both walked to the smell where it was coming from.

"Hyung watch out..." Jungkook shouted but it was too late and both fell on the floor. Their faces changed in pure disgust when the blood mess on their face.

"Eww... what is this?" Jungkook shouted and quickly stood up and Yoongi copied his actions but they froze when they heard a shuffling and unknown sources of lights started lit the area.

There were many bodies and some bones and skulls of humans and animals and Hosoek was lying there, holding his belly which was bruised as someone tore his skin with claw.

"Yoon-gii... leave this... they will eat you all... kill you... all... they survive on... human... human flesh and... their fear..."



I hope so you are all fine

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Purple you all 💜

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