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Author's Note...........✨️✨️✨️✨️

Don't miss this... ✨️✨️read carefully to know the further details..✨️✨️

This is the last chapter of the fist book Arranged marriage and the second book of the sequel will be released soon.  Thanks for your continuous support...

Sequel will be released soon that will be new year surprise...

so let's get into the story of our first book Arranged marriage..  


Rushi's pov,

After seeing the reports my happiness has no bounds.. I am just on cloud nine.. he hugged me from back.. I leaned on his front.. 

I: Abhi I am so happy... I am going to be a mother..

He kissed my hair.. 

I: Abhi oh.. you are happy right.. you .. you want to be a father right..

he looked at me without any emotion.. i came out of his hold..

Abhi: doll why you think i don't want to be a father... 

I: it's just i want to hmm 

he held my shoulders tightly in a secure way..

Abhi: i would like to be a father.. but i don't need to rush things doll... I am happy with you although i don't like to tell this... time decides these things.. 

i smiled 

i buried my head in his chest and hugged him... 

he is caressing my hair lovingly...

Time skip........................

The day I became pregnant everything changed in my life... Abhi became so protective and know what the food i ate will be checked by a tester... I don't know from where he got this much protectiveness... if i have correct mind i will be mad at him.. but my pregnancy hormones loving this care.. I am amazed at my self... My carvings are doubled than normal people have... I feel too week and too energetic... I am really troubled by my mood swings... 

Not to mention the days without Abhi.. i always acts like a cry baby.. i am just hating myself for such behavior if not for ma and papa being my side i might me blaming myself.. as a gynecologist I know these things but still i can't control my emotions.. I already had a hunch Why i am over emotional... but i need to wait to confirm my doubt...

The kitchen is filled with so many food items... abhi even arranged one more fridge only for me... this is the first time i felt so happy for marrying such a rich person... hiii heee.. my evil thought....

when my relatives got to know about my pregnancy they all came to see me... Mom, Dad, brothers, my gang members, Grandpas I just felt a space for granny..  I got so many gifts and food items.. Nothing is less in my life..

Ha wait I am telling about when Abhi not there with me right... ya... those nights are so stupid... we used to watch each other through tv sceen... ya technology is really great.. he arranged so many teddies for me... and about my job... after my pregnancy i only went to hospital for one month.. now it's almost third month and i am sitting in garden along with alana.. she is in her 6th month.. aiden and alana staying here only... they seem quite normal these days.. Granny and garndpa are waiting so eagerly to play with their great grand children.. Alana already checked the gender at the starting of her 6th month... it's a baby boy... All are so happy but ma told me she wants a girl.. because saanvi sis also had baby boy... and now alana...

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