Author's Note

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Hi guys i know all are so eager to read next chapter.

But this note is for the readers who want to read important chapters and want to know what the chapters containing.

Am i married

Chapter-2 ( female lead intoroduction )

Chapter-3 ( first meet)

Chapter-4 ( first meet continuation & male lead name)

Chapter-5 ( knowing about the male lead power)

Chapter-6 ( engagement shopping )

Chapter-7 (marriage & tears)

Chapter-10 (first night, first morning)

Chapter-11 (first kiss, second marriage)

Middle chapters are male lead point of view

Chapter-15 ( male lead introduction , fear, obsession, lost control)

Chapter-18 (outing)

Chapter-19 (family introduction, phone call)

Chapter-21 (first month anniversary)

Chapter-23 (changing opinion)

Chapter-25 (his arrival)

Chapter-27 (father's love)

Chapter-29 ( mark, lock )

Chapter-30 (engagement, new couple)

Chapter-31 (protect, slap)

Chapter-33 (bitter sad truth)

Chapter-34, 35 (lust, shocking truth)

Chapter-36 (disastrous shopping)

Chapter-37 (vulnerable)

Chapter-38 (realization, love)

Chapter-42 (haldi function)

Chapter- 44 ( marriage, first time infront of media, chart)

Chapter- 45 (night heat)

Chapter-46 (first time to his office)

Chapter-47, 48 (finally her acceptance)

Chapter-49 (media)

Chapter-52 (India)

Chapter-53, 54 (maya & david)

Chapter-56, 57, 58, 59 (just couple moments, real reason for breakup)

I hope this will help the readers.


Thank you

Bye bye 👋

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