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        Life is a ride we don't even know where we will be in the next sec .. don't close your emotions feel everything in your life ... every moment will be a memory. But to say this will be filmy dialog and I know how difficult to face the situations but at least we can motivate ourselves.


Rushi's Pov,

          It's been a month since our marriage happened.... but still I am not allowed to go out... I didn't even see his face after that incident .... he calls me regularly but I didn't even talk for 5 min... I am feeling so bored..... even though all are here I feel lonely I feel like I didn't belong to this place at all when I am with all of them, I will forget everything, but when I am in my room it is lonely when I was in the orphanage, I never felt like this...

       In my childhood, I slept with my mom, and in clg days with my roommate, when I am doing the job, I will come home tiredly and sleep fast, so I never felt lonely, but here I am feeling helpless. It's like a prison... of course in my place also mom never allowed me to go out with friends, but she never stopped me to do my things, weakly once I go with my friends to eat some outside food. It's really good to go out with friends and if my father or brother comes, they will take me out for shopping...  so I never felt like a prisoner my mom gave me a normal peaceful life like other girls had... I never lack anything. I just hope I can go back to my previous life and be a good doctor and live a quiet life. Anyhow I am here in this position what's there to think... when my wish can't be fulfilled?

Previous incidents**************

          After a week when he went to Australia, I came to know that it was Siya's birthday....... on that day they all went shopping, but I just sat in my room balcony.... all told me to ask him..... I also called him.... but he refused.... he even scolded Karan for supporting me. I am going out with family only na then why he has to oppose it? Why does he want to control my everything??

         I don't like him, when I talk with Satya and Srav they always tell me about the hospital, madhavi mam, and work. how they enjoyed outside, I just hope one day I will have a normal life... there is luxury in this life but no happiness... my in-laws are nice I want to be with them, they always care about me, I cook for them, and help them, but.... still, it's not life, I want to be doctor, treat patients,  I have to be individual in life, but here I am not doing any work, leave about work at least not allowed to go out... I hate it. I don't even know what I am hating.

Before siya's birthday...I called that devil...


 He: hello. how are you..??

"Hmm fine.."I... I..... "

He: do you want something....???"

Hmm... oh... adi...."

He: are you thinking about Siya's birthday.....

I am shocked, how he knows about my thoughts...

"Hmm .. Y... yes...."

He: don't think much I already Said to Amelia, she will bring a gift for Siya, you can give it to her...

    Is there anything I can talk about....   he is such an egoist... can't he ask my opinion at least for once.... jerk...

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