Chapter- 78

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Hi guys i hope all are doing well..

How to gain trust?

1. Protect the person from whom you are expecting trust.
2. Support them emotionally and physically.
3. Make them realize that they are someone special in your life.
4. Share a secret with them.. so that they think you are an honest person.

But the most important thing wait for the correct time and situation. If you are capable of creating one then go for it.


Rushi's pov,

When he said i don't have any romantic sense.. i felt like am i really a nerd or what... but i know everything...

I: oh so tell me, love doctor..

I laughed a little.. what can be a romantic reason for moles.. i never read about it..

He: want to know..

I nodded...

He suddenly hovered over me.. and kissed my side of the chin...but he continuously kissing me...

I: abhi what are you doing..

I said laughingly.. it's ticklish..

He: i am showing the reason for moles wifey..

I looked at him confusingly...

But agai he took my left hand and kissed near the palm.. to say exsactly on my small black mole..

Then i got it.. he.. he mean.. oh my god.. from where he got to know this rumor..

He: now you got it na love.

I: you.. you are so unbelievable..

He laughed..

He: i told you i am romantic..

I: from where you listened that moles forms because of kissing.. ha.. tell me..

I asked a little shockingly..

He: i am not telling you.. anyway i am not in mood to talk..

I can see a mischievous smile and those naughty eyes.. he is completely pervert..

I: pervert, shameless..

He: what's there to be shy wifey..

He said touching my hair softly...

The night went just like he wants.. i wish he is not this romantic.. how can i handle him if he is always like this.


I opened my eyes slowly feeling someone playing with my earrings..

I saw my handsome husband looking at me smilingly..

I also smiled.. what a beautiful morning..

He: good morning doll.

I: good morning..

He hugged me and kissed my neck and shoulder..

He: come let's fresh up.. you may be hungry..

I: huh..huh..huh..

I whined like a child who don't want to get up from bed..

I saw his not a so normal grin.. i am sure he is thinking something weird again..

I: you go first i will get fresh up..

I said hurriedly not to give him anymore time to think weird ideas..

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