Chapter 15

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Jeongin poked Hyunjin, making the red haired man squeal.

"Oh, I thought we 'couldn't get a reaction out of you'?" He stated, mocking the older.

"Shut up! I'm done! Someone else's turn, I'll admit I lost." He huffed and crossed his arms as a strand of hair strayed in front of his eyes.

He glared at the follicle, as if it was its fault that gravity had drug it down to disrupt him.

Jisung snickered from the kitchen counter, leaning over it as he watched the interaction.

"What's so fucking funny, huh? Why don't you give it a go!" Hyunjin raised his voice at the younger and pointed at the chair he had previously been sitting in.

Jisung sighed and shook his head.

"Fine! I'll do it, and I'll win." He said with a smile.

A knock on the door distracted Jeongin as the youngest ran to get it.

Hyunjin and Jisung averted their attention from the situation and focused back on their game.

"Okay, you know the rules?" Hyunjin asked.

"Nope, not a clue." He replied with a chuckle. Hyunjin pinched the bridge of his nose and rolled his eyes.

Two voices joined them in the living room as Jeongin brought the guest into view.

"Oh, hey, that was 10 minutes exactly." Hyunjin said surprised as he glanced at the watch on his wrist.

"I'm a man of my word." Minho replied with a small laugh. "What are you guys doing?" He said with a puzzled look.

"We're playing this game, I just lost. Basically, we have to try and get an audible reaction out of Jisung by touching him or tickling him or whatever the hell we think will work. He wins if he stays silent for the full 3 minutes, we win if he makes a noise." Hyunjin explained to the both of them. They nodded in agreement.

"Wanna join?" Jeongin asked. Minho rolled his eyes back, thinking about the proposition before accepting.

"Okay, sure." He replied.

Hyunjin clutched the egg timer, spinning it to 3 minutes and letting it go; which signified the start of the game.

Jeongin reached his fingers behind Jisung's knees, tickling the back of his leg.

Jisung had no reaction.

Hyunjin slid his hand up to Jisung's stomach and ran his fingertips along his chest and abdomen.

Jisung's breath only lightly hitched.

Hyunjin squeezed his right calf, frowning when he realized nothing had worked.

Minho kneeled down on the floor in front of Jisung whose legs were slightly parted. Jisung was staring at the ceiling, bored, not paying very much attention.

Minho snaked his fingertips to the outer edge of Jisung's thigh, coldly dragging them to the inside.

Jisung's eyes darted to the boy who was pleasantly sat in front of him.

He looks pretty from this angle.

His heart rate increased, breath hitching as his upper lip twitched.

Minho's fingers trailed to Jisung's inner thigh, tracing the seams of his jeans.

His other hand reached over to his lower waist, holding his body, trying to create as much physical contact as possible.

He quickly snapped his wrist to the side and squeezed his inner thigh, digging into a spot that Jisung hadn't let anyone near.

A quick, loud moan surfaced from the bottom of his throat followed by a whimper as Minho lifted his grip from the man in front of him. A smirk was painted on his lips as Minho looked him in the eyes.

He leaned into his ear as he stood up. "Good boy." Jisung's pulse rapidly increased as he felt the mans lips brush his ear lobe. Every last sliver of dignity that he had been holding onto was shattered with just two simple words.

His cheeks flushed bright pink at what had just happened while Minho casually sat back down, crossing his legs innocently as if nothing had occurred.

Jeongin's mouth was agape as Hyunjin stared wide-eyed at Jisung.

The sound of a timer rung throughout the oxygen in the room, breaking the short-lived tension between the three.

Minho stood up, looking around.

"I'm gonna find Chris. Be back." He stated, strutting off to find the eldest, who was probably taking care of Felix at the moment.

Hyunjin eyed Jisung up and down, pointing at his crotch.

"Clean up on isle Hannie's pants. Jesus Christ, are you that down bad that you folded from one simple interaction? Seriously Ji, I didn't know you had a sweet spot there." Hyunjin half-seriously chuckled.

"Yeah, neither did I." He shamefully glared down, groaning at the situation he was going to have to deal with.

Jeongin was sat behind them in a fit of giggles, erupting into more laughter as he heard Hyunjin's words.

"Oh shut up Jeongin, you'd do the same thing if it was Chan!" Jisung shot at the youngest making his laughter stop abruptly.

Hyunjin nodded. "He got you there." Jeongin cleared his throat before rolling his eyes.

"Chan doesn't even like me." He shrugged dismissively, avoiding eye contact.

Hyunjin and Jisung exchanged glances before Jisung shook his head at his friend. Hyunjin let out an exhale.

The elders watched as Jeongin dug in the fridge.

"How about onigiri and Milkis for lunch?" He questioned, taking out some vegetables.

"Oh, that sounds so good!" Hyunjin cheered running to the sink to wash his hands, Jisung doing the same.

Jeongin threw the elders 2 aprons as he tied his around his waist.

"Okay professional." Jisung teased, making the trio laugh.

"Hyunjin Hyung, you can do the rice. Jisung Hyung, go clean yourself up in the bathroom and and then help me with the vegetables." Jeongin rolled his eyes at the last sentence.

Hyunjin nodded as he turned around, Jisung groaned and scurried away to wash up and change his clothes.

As soon as he shut the bathroom door someone knocked.

"Hello?" He asked.

Jeongin turned the knob and handed him a pair of jeans and boxers.

"They're mine so they might not fit, but here you go." He smiled softly. Jisung returned the favor and thanked him as he shut the door.

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