Chapter 4

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It was 12:00 p.m when Detective Seo entered Lee Minho's office. The clock had ticked away to 12:23 already, and the two were discussing the task.

Minho still hadn't given an answer, and he could tell that Changbin wanted Minho to work with him on this task. "Well, Chief said to bring Kim with us. He could be of good help," the short detective explained.

The two detectives turned to look at the door as the new officer—who had just joined the force—adamantly leaned against the door frame. Seungmin. Kim Seungmin. The boy was quiet, but his stare was quite intimidating. He had been standing there the entire time the other two were discussing the task.

Minho sighed as he glanced at the folder that lay on his desk before shifting his gaze at the bulletin board Changbin had brought in.

The oldest of the 3 stood up, walking to the board and skimming over all the information that was displayed on it.

"So, let me get this straight," The other two followed as Minho placed his finger under his chin, a tired sigh escaping his lips.

"Trucks have been getting hijacked. These trucks contain imported car parts and other technology that can help with vehicles. Therefore, the force believes that this man and his crew are responsible?"

Changbin, who stood up a moment ago, nodded briefly.

Minho looks at the picture of a blond man, "Christopher Bang.." he muttered.

Minho's eyes scanned the board, studying a picture of the men who were a part of his racing crew. They had individuals and a group photo. However, Minho was more focused on the way they looked together in the panorama.

There was a blonde with longer hair and a bright smile, his elbow was set on Chris' shoulder. A dark haired man with sharp cheekbones and a numb expression was on the other side of the two previous males. Next to him stood a tall guy with vibrant red hair and a smirk plastered on his face, who happened to look a bit familiar, but Minho couldn't place his finger on the similarity.

Then, there was Chris—supposedly the leader. Chris was also blonde and relatively short with a prominent nose, but his grin stood out to him.

He looks so happy, as if he found something he'd been searching for his whole life..

The detective turned to face the other two, rubbing his temples as he asked, "All we have to do is go undercover, pretend we wanna be best buddies, and find out what's actually happening?"

Seungmin, who was already annoyed, looked at Minho. "That's literally what we've been trying to say the entire time!"

Minho glared at the new kid before turning to Changbin, whose eyes were already on Minho.

"However, if we do this, we have to act like they do. Eat, Sleep, Race. Some of them probably forget to do the first two." Minho perks up at Changbin's words.

The shorter muscular man smirks inwardly. "It's not like you have a problem with racing.. right Detective?"

Goddamnit, was he right?

Truthfully, Minho always overlooks the situation when it comes to street races. There would be times where he would watch from afar, yet every fucking meeting he went to, he saw that goddamn BMW.

He had, of course, considered joining a meeting. But he was a cop, and he took an oath.

Though, there were times where the older felt like ditching his job and becoming a racer. It looked liberating and exhilarating to him.

Yet, he wasn't the best at racing. He was teaching himself how to drift.. and things were a bit difficult, truth be told.

What's the catch?

Changbin notices his friend's pensive look.

"There's no catch Min.. all we gotta do is learn how to drive like them." Minho glances at him. He often forgets that Changbin can read him like a book.

He then briefly glares at Seungmin, who gives him a nod in return. The oldest sighed before agreeing.

Seungmin and Minho watch as Changbin does a small jump letting out a quiet "yes", walking to the door and grabbing Seungmin's sleeve.

"I'll go let Chief know we're ready for the case!" Minho lets out a small laugh as Changbin drags Seungmin out, the small click of the door closing after the youngers rush out.

Minho makes his way back to his desk, sitting on his chair. He throws his head back, groaning before focusing back on the folder that lays in front of him.

This task shouldn't be that hard. I basically know how to race... not so much on the drifting part.

As he skims through the folder, he can't help but stare at the man with the red hair. "Hwang Hyunjin". The name left his lips, leaving an almost stinging sensation. His name had reminded him of the feeling when your blood pumps faster as you're accelerating in a car. It had the same vibe.

He hums as he tries to remember where he had seen the man. But nothing came up, at least not in the instant.

Where the hell have I seen you before?

His vision drifted across each crew member, analyzing their features and memorizing their names.

Minho sat with his legs crossed in his seat, back hunched over, practically investigating the folder that was presented to him.

The sound of a phone ringing brought his attention back to reality and he reached over to grab the landline sitting next to his computer.

He doesn't really know why he has a computer, he never uses it. He's sure that someday computers will have evolved to do things unimaginable, like calling someone through it. How crazy would that be?

He took hold of the phone and brought it to his ear, preparing to speak into it.

"Detective Lee, how can I help you?" He firmly asked, already annoyed with the call itself.

"Oh, hey Minho. Sorry, I thought this was Changbin's office number. It's Seungmin, I'm in that phone booth a few blocks away. I saw some cars and a few stood out to me." Seungmin said clearly through the phone.

"We aren't close enough to be on a first name basis, don't call me that. Also, what cars?"

"Sorry, detective Lee, I'll be more mindful." Seungmin's tone was exasperated, and Minho could tell from the other line. "It was a red BMW and a silver Honda, those match up with two of the cars in the case, correct?"

"Hang on, let me check the folder." Minho placed the phone between his shoulder and ear while opening to the first page. "Yeah, BMW F30 and Honda s2000?"

"Yup. I can't do anything about it right now, but I can try and get closer to them. They look like they're about to park at that one Italian restaurant."

"Do that, then come back to the station and let me know what you hear."

"On it." Minho hung up the line as he rolled his eyes.

Fucking rookie.

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