4 - 4 - A Request

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Sorry so late... been busy and i have writers block :) - I hate how short this is

"I just don't understand! If he found out how to put his name in, why wouldn't he tell me? Did I do something wrong?" Ever since Harry had been chosen by the Goblet of Fire, Ron had been ranting, upset. He seemed to think Harry was mad at him and left him out of the secret.

"I dunno, ask him. He should be back soon, do your Potions homework for now."

You, in the morning, approached a grumpy Ron in the Great Hall, "So did you talk to Harry last night? I saw him go up to bed last night." "I don't wanna talk about it." "Well you have to talk about it eventually, why not now?" Ron faced you, glaring darkly. "Okay, sorry," you said as if you had been offended. You and Ron sat in silence. "Wanna hang out tonight? Make Harry jealous?" You rolled your eyes and sighed, "Ron, I'm your sister. Harry's not going to get jealous. Maybe hang out with Seamus and Dean, that'll do it for him." You said the last part sarcastically. The entire day went by miserably, Ron following you like a lost puppy, despite your advice.

Once you had finally been able to lose him, he found you. "Y/n, I need a favor," You sighed, lifting your head. "I need you to deliver a message-" "Before you finish that sentence, has it occurred to you that I am human and not an owl? Ron, talk to him yourself. That's the only way to make this go back to normal."

"I tried to in the dormitories, but we just argued!" "Are you talking about the night his name came out of the goblet? The night I had go tell you to talk to him? Ron, be a man! This is pathetic!" "Piss off!"

You stood dazed for a moment. How had Ron's mood manage to change so quickly. "Don't forget to take your bipolar pills, RONALD!"

The next day you went down by the lake, it was Saturday. You lied down, trying to clear your head. Ron was being stupid, Malfoy had been extremely annoying recently (especially while you two met up in the astronomy room), and, for some reason, your grades were suddenly dropping.

You saw a familiar face above you, "Harry?" "Sorry, just wondering what you're doing." "Ron would be pissed if he saw me talking to you... Luckily I'm okay with pissing Ron off right now." You stood up, engaged in your interaction with Harry.

"What do you want?" You eyed Harry suspiciously. It was rare for Harry to approach you without Ron.

"Someone to go to the owlery with. It gets lonely up there." You stared at him suspiciously again. You looked around, there were many people near by. Maybe he just had a favor that he didn't want to say in front of so many people. "Sure. Why not?"

More coming soon... just trust me you'll get some good draco next chapter, i have a good idea. yall will love it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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