1 - 7 - The Downfalls of Chess

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For what felt like an hour Ron had moved pieces across the board, including you. He only moved Harry for an easy kill where they couldn't get him, and he didn't move Hermione much, as she was blocked by the pawn and bishop, but you could move in any direction. It only made sense for you to be the one moving around the most. Pieces were sacrificed and debris was spread, but in the end it came down to only a few, including the four of you, the white king, queen, and bishop. Harry was directly infront of the queen, while Ron was in a perfect L shape from her. Then, you realised what he was doing. So did Harry.

"Wait a minute." "You understand now?" Ron said looking at the two of his friends and you. "Once I make my move, the queen will take me. Then you're free to check the queen. Was he stupid? The opposing Bishop was in Harry's line, the king was behind it. Then you saw where Hermione stood. Directly across from the Bishop. He expected Hermione to make that move?

"No, Ron, no!" "What is it?" "He's going to sacrifice himself." You said, slowly and in a low tone. "No, you can't! There must be another way. Plus, the Bishop-" "Do you want to stop Snape from getting that stone or not? Harry, it's you that has to go on. I know it! Not me, not Y/n, not Hermione. You!"

Harry looked at his friend sadly and nodded. You felt tears welling up in your eyes. "Knight to H-3." His horse slowly moved to a perfect L away from the king, in the queens direct line of fire. She turned slowly. Your stomach was heavy and had a pit in it as the queen drew closer to him. It stopped directly in front of him and you turned away. You didnt need to know where it hit. You didn't want to know where it hit. You sobbed silently as you heard glass breaking, the crashing noise, mixed with your twin's scream. Hermione, you saw was about to move, before you yelled, "NO! Don't move!" And she listened, startled by your harsh yell. You look at the standings.

No way I started a new project on ibis paint just to make that

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No way I started a new project on ibis paint just to make that

You could save Hermione. The next challange might be just as hard, if not harder. Harry had to go on, and Hermione had to help him, so it had to be you. "What are you doing?" Hermione said. "Y/n..." You heard your name being called from Harry, but you drowned it out. "Queen to B-4." You said, taking deep breaths. You passed where your twin was lying, unconsious on the floor. You landed one dyaginal step from the bishop and you turned to Harry and Hermione. "Help Harry, Hermione. Get that stone for us, right mate?" You said as you placed you hand on the Bishop. Harry nodded, sadly, and Hermione nodded faster than you had expected.

The Bishop crumbled as you took it's place, the king right infront of you. You watched as almost in slow motion, the King raised his sword and swiped at you. You remember being hit by something hard after it hit the pedestal you stood on, sending you away by a few meters. You remembering seeing your twin's face right next to you. You remember it going black.

Quick A/n: I know Hermione, in the movie, takes Ron to the infirmary instead of Helping harry with the potions like she did in the book and I'm following mainly the Movie rn but lemme get one thing clear. Dumbledore was the one that took us and Ron to the infirmary (in this book), not Hermione. He just casted a spell and we wound up there, idk imagine it how you want. Hermione, instead, did the potions trial with Harry. idek... McGonnagal probably told him about what we came in and said when he realised it was a trick and came back so he came and found us.

Your eyes felt heavy, but you opened them the slightest bit. You saw a bright light and you closed your eyes. You heard voices, seemingly muffled, and waited a few minutes before opening them again, this time all the way. You stared into the light for a moment, before you could see clearly. You looked around. You saw Dawn and Paige next to your bed, their eyes on you and mouths open, but they didn't say a word. You saw Fred and George messing with Percy in the middle of the room. Bill and, to your surprise, Charlie sitting on a hospital bed across the room, watching their younger three brothers. You looked over, you saw Mum, Dad and Ginny circled around another Hospital bed, you recognised the voice coming from it as Ron's. On the other side of his bed, were Harry and Hermione, also in Hospital beds, but not yet awake.

You smiled to see everyone having a good time, all the Weasleys together again. "Morning to you too..." You joked, nine pairs of eyes flying to you. Your mother was the first by your side, followed by your father, then your siblings (Ron not included). You saw a basket filled with a bunch of sweet and sour treats and cards. There was one at the foot of each of your beds.

"How are you feeling dear? Ron just woke up, only about 30 minutes ago." You smiled at your beautiful, kind mother. "As good as a person in the hospital wing can be, I suppose. Tired, though." "Yes, that's what those healing potions'll do to you. We heard what you and your brother did. It was very heroic, my dear." You smiled and saw your father step away for a moment. The second he came back, you squealed with joy.

"River! Oh, you poor thing! You haven't been fed, have you?" "Fred and George fed her after you got to the hospital wing." Your dad said, placing her on your lap. She immediantly nuzzled herself into it. You smiled as you pet her and talked with your friends and family. Hermione woke up an hour later, but Harry was still asleep.

You were released from the hospital wing that afternoon. As soon as you could stand (Your family had already left), you were ingulfed in a hug.

"We're sorry!" Paige said. "We're horrible! We should have been there for you." You laughed as though that was a joke. "Are you kidding? If I wanted you to be there, I would've offered for you to come. I didn't want you to get hurt! There's nothing to be upset about, now let's go get lunch! I'm starving!" "You just ate about 10 chocolate frogs!" The three of you walked away, laughing happily.

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