2 - 6 - Rogue Buldger

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"Could I have your attention, please? Right. Now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so." She turned to a bird, tapping on it three times and saying "Vera Verto." And the bird became a beautiful goblet, everyone aweing in wonder. "Now it's your turn. Who would like to go first?"

She approached Ron, who didn't even have his hand up. "Ah! Mr. Weasley. One, two, three, Vera Verto." "Ahem!" Ron cleared his throat and tapped his want towards his rat, Scabbers. "Vera Verto." Rather than the professor's beautiful goblet, Scabbers turned into a furry goblet with a rat tail.

"That wand needs replacing, Mr. Weasley." Hermione's hand flew up, probably wanting to preform the spell. "Yes, Ms. Granger?" " Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets." You looked at Hermione, surprised she was thinking about the exact same thing you were.

"Very well. Well, you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not. Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, pure-bloods." You looked at Draco, to Hermione (The two gave each other one quick glare), to Paige, who was sitting at the next table on your right.

"Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Well, shortly before departing, he sealed it, until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The Heir alone would be able to open the Chamber, and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic." "Muggle-borns." Hermione said, and Professor McGonagall nodded.

"Well, naturally the school has been searched many times. No such Chamber has been found." Professor McGonagall walked back to her desk, but turned around as Hermione called her name. "What exactly does legend tell us lies within the Chamber?"

"Well, the Chamber is said to be home to something that only the Heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a monster." You looked, again to Malfoy, who gave you a smug grin, after he first gave it to Ron, who also looked back at him.

After class, you walked down the hall with Paige. Dawn had had an overflow in homework and refused to take any help with it. "Do you think it's real- the Chamber of Secrets?" "I would assume. I mean, first we have a petrified Mrs. Norris, then that writing on the wall, now a scared-looking McGonagall. I don't think most of it is mere coinsidence. Especially not after last year. After that anything is possible."

Paige swallowed, nervously. "OH- I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you!" "No, no. It's fine. I'd rather you tell me the hard honest truth than lie to me anyways. Besides, me and you've got nothing to worry about. McGonagall said 'The Heir alone would be able to open the Chamber, and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic.'- Muggle-borns. I'm not Muggle-born, and you're pure-blood, right?" "Blood traitor, but still blood." "Right, so then... Dawn's the one we should be worried about." You swallowed the lump in your throat.

"Let's not think about that. Come on, the Slytherin and Gryffindor match is about to start."

You watched the match, as Slytherin was so far destroying Gryffindor, almost tripling their score. The Buldger started going rogue, chasing Harry and trying to knock him off his broom (or worse). Ron suggested stopping it with magic, but Hermione ended that idea immediantly.

Eventually, Harry got through it and grabbed the snitch, Ron and Hermione went to stop the Buldger, leaving you with Paige and Hagrid. "Is Harry gonna be alright?" You said. "O' course he's goin' ter be alright! He's Harry Potter! Yeh ain' got nothin' ter worry 'bout." Hagrid said.

"We should go see Dawn." Paige said, nudging you a little bit. "Yeah, you're right." You got out of the stands, walking to the library. Almost there, you see Dawn walking down a hallway. "Dawn! We were just coming to see you, since you weren't at the game. Are you finished with your homework?" "Huh? Homework?" She asked, this confused you, her confused face.

"Yeah... you've been in the library for the past few days. You said you-" "Oh, yes! Sorry, I'm really tired. Yeah, it's all done. I heard Harry got hurt?" "Yeah, rogue buldger kept going after him. We won, though." "Awesome! Wanna go to the Great Hall?"

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