1 - 2 - The Rememberall

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You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. Your grinned from ear to ear as you saw your brothers waving for you to come over. You got up from the stool and sat next to one of the twins. You gave the both hugs and they replied with several congratulations and hugs, head locks, and everything in between. You even hugged Ron and Percy from across the table. You couldn't imagine how excited Mum and dad would be when they found out both you and Ron had been sorted into Gryffindor.

"Harry Potter."

Whispers spread. "Hmmm... Difficult... Very difficult... Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent, oh yes. There's talent. And a thirst to prove yourself, but where to put you? Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great you know. Its all here in your head. And Slytherin would help you on your way to greatness,no count t about that! No? Well... If you're sure, better be... GRYFFINDOR!"

Your table erupted into cheers of excitement and triumph. You,of course clapped with them, and Harry sat next to Percy and Hermione. 

"Paige Brook." 

All of a sudden, you felt nervous again. Paige took the seat on stage and the sorting hat was placed on her head. "Hmmm... Not dumb, not dumb at all, I see. Excellent mind, but you are an even better friend. Great at everything there is, as long as you can think during it, really. So be it then... RAVENCLAW!"

Your and Page's eyes met, and you gave her a smile. Its not like you would never see her again. Ravenclaw seemed like a good fit for her, and hopefully it will be. Your friendship with her was far from over.

A few more names were called and sorted into houses before the one you were waiting for was called. 

"Dawn Lilly." 

Dawn took a seat and waited impatiently for the hat to decide. "Lots going on in here... Lets see, good friend, and not dumb either. Pretty brave, however, determination and ambition overpower in here! Yes, then you go in SLYTHERIN!" 

Your face dropped. Gryffindor and Slytherin weren't exactly friendly. But... But you weren't about to let Hogwarts houses define a person and a friendship! You were still friends with Dawn, and wasn't about to dump her just because of what some old hat said. When she looked your way, you gave her a small smile and a head nod.

A few minutes after sorting and everyone was talking, McGonagall tapped her fork against her glass. "You're attention please!" She nodded to Dumbledore, who was now standing. He spoke the words you were waiting for, "Let the feast begin!" And just like that delicious food appeared before you, almost calling your name.

 Everyone was talking to everyone. You were talking to Fred and George, when a head in the table started you. "Hello! How are you! Welcome to Gryffindor!" Other ghosts appeared, having fun and spreading laughter and smiles wherever they went.

"Hello, Sir Nicholas. How was your summer?" Said Percy, politely. "Dismal. My request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied again." He said, floating away. If that wasn't a clue to who he was, the only more obvious thing would be to tell you straight up. 

"You're Nearly-Headless Nick!" You said, turning around to face the poltergeist. "I prefer Sir Nicholas, if you don't mind." 

Hermione looked confused, "Nearly headless? How can you be nearly headless?" "Like this." Sir Nicholas opened up his axe-chewed throat, to show you a sight no one needed to see.

After dinner, Percy led the way to the Gryffindor common room, since none of the first years had a clue where it was. Raven claw was traveling right beside you, so you talked to Paige until you both had to go your separate ways. 

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