4 - 1 - The Quidditch World Cup

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This year is a mix of the movie and book

"Mummy, tell Ron to stop giving River owl treats! She's going to get sick!" You said, picking your cat up and shooing away Pigwidgeon, Ron's owl.

"Dear, hurry up and eat your breakfast. You haven't much time before you leave." You stuck the piece of toast into your mouth, throwing anything you may need into your rucksack. Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined the table. You searched the couch for spare change, as your mother called for you.

"Y/n, love, you've got plenty of money. Come sit at the table." "We've already got all the couch money anyways." George smirked. You huffed, slinging your bag on the back of your chair.

You shoved the eggs and sausage down your esophagus. "Slow down, you're going to choke!" "No time, gotta get Dawn and Paige!" "Dear, Paige's mother is dropping them off. No need to rush."

You swallowed your food sharply, a knock sounded from the door. "They're here!" "No running in the- oh, why do I bother."

You ran to the door, letting your friends and her mother in. "Arthur, Macy is here!" "Almost ready dear!" Your father yelled from his room. Paige and her mother, Macy, looked exactly alike. Dark skin and hair, paired with hazel eyes. They were both tall (Paige was the tallest of all of you), lean girls with similar tastes in fasion.

"Thanks for inviting them, Molly. They've both been looking forward to it." "Not a problem. I would've invited them to stay, but with Charlie and Bill back, along with Harry and Hermione-" "Don't feel sorry, it's quite alright."

"Dad, hurry up! Amos and Cedric are probably about to leave, already!" Your father raced himself down the stairs, in clothes that didn't look exactly right. "All ready, children?" "We've been waiting on you, pops." Fred said, him and George rushing out the door.

Your mother grew skeptical. "Let me see both of your bags." She said. They, begrudgingly, handed the rucksacks over. "More pranks! I already confiscated more of them and your order list, Merlin, what do I need to do! First the OWLS, then I find that Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes crap, then you get your own sister in on it, now this! Merlin!" "Mum, you can't take that! Thats 10 sickles worth of pranks!" "Then it's 10 sickles lost, now hurry or you'll be late, all of you!"

"Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory everyone, he works with me at the ministry. And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" "Yes sir." Paige's mouth fell open. You were sure when you told her you were meeting Amos and Cedric, she didn't expect it to be Cedric Diggory.

Amos, of course, gaped at Harry's forehead before shaking all of your hands. You were sure Paige almost fainted when Cedric looked at her.

"Ugh, that's the portkey?" You said, looking at the old, manky boot. "It'll be worth it to see the Irish win, won't it be?" "The things I do for Ireland..." You said, putting your hand on it while your father explained a Portkey to Harry and Hermione.

"Three... Two... One!" You saw white, it felt as if you were flying. You crashed to the ground, your father and the Diggorys landing more gracefully.

"Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" You walked passed the amazing sights. People everywhere were having fun, tailgating.

You followed your father, separating from the Diggorys (to Paige's dismay), to two small tents. You, Hermione, Ginny, Paige, and Dawn were in the smaller tent, and the boy's in the larger one.

You walked around, looking at all of the tents and decorations. You ran into two fellow Gryffindors, Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas, with Irish decorations all over their tent, which you supported openly.

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