1 - 3 - Troll in the dungeon

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"Did you hear Harry was made Seeker for Gryffindor?" Paige said. "Course I've heard, my brother's his best friend. Harry's all he ever talks about." "Still can't believe you said that to Malfoy." Dawn said. We wasn't any more fond of the big than the next person. "I said what needed to be said. Nothing more and nothing less."

You, Paige, and Dawn walked into charms class. It was one of the few classes you all had together.

Professor Flitwick started the lesson almost as soon as you two sat down. "One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, or the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you have your feathers?"

"Clearly." You heard a voice below you say, that even made you snicker a little bit. Draco Malfoy's voice. He furrowed his eyes brows and faced you, probably confused of why you of all people was laughing at one of his jokes.

"Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? Just swish and flick. Good! Oh, and enunciate. Off you go then."

All of the students practiced the spell, and you watched your twin fail horribly (as usual), and Seamus Finnegan blow his feather up (as usual).

After class, you were walking in the hallways with your friends when you overheard something. "You go on ahead, girls. I'll catch up." The girls were confused, but nodded and went ahead.

You listened to your brother rudely mock Hermione, "It's Levi-OSA not Levi-OSAR! She's a nightmare honestly! No winder she hasn't gotten any friends!" You were filled with shame for your own brother as Hermione angrily stormed past him, obviously overwhelmed by her emotions.

You sped up with Ron, "Oh, dear." He mumbled upon seeing your arrival. "You know, maybe if she hasn't got any friends, you could be the first and... I dunno marry her one day or something. She is pretty." You said. Rons face turned to disgust as his friends laughed at him.

"Ewww! Gross! Marry her?! You're mental!" "I'm just saying... If you're going to bully her for being smart and having no friends... well, your no better than that one over there." You said, nodding towards Malfoy. Ron's brows furrowed in disgust (now from being compared to Malfoy) and confusion. He went to argue, but you had already go off to join your friends. You left Ron wondering... hopefully.

That night, the Great Hall was lit by jack-o-lanterns instead of plain candles. All the food was themed and well prepared. Desert was also served early. "That's my sister!" Said George, upon hearing from Ron about flight class. "Our, dear brother. Our sister!"Fred corrected his twin. They both proudly side-hugged you, but that didn't relieve the feeling you had. The feeling of two grey eyes staring holes into the back of your head.

Out of no where, the door swung open and Professor Quirrel cried out, "Troll! In the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon!" He saw every student looking at him, as well as every teacher. Dumbledore stood upon hearing his news. "Thought you 'ought to know." He said before fainting.

That was more than enough to set everyone off. Everyone dropped their food and stood. Thunder struck from outside the castle. One by one, everyone started screaming. You would have laughed and cried at Malfoy's face if you weren't making the exact same one. Everyone was rushing to get out of the great hall, but before they could Dumbledore spoke in a booming voice, "Silence! Everyone will, please, not panic! Now... Pretexts will lead their house back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeon." You waved your goodbyes to Paige and Dawn, before leaving.

You led with Percy, near the front. If a troll were to start chasing you down from the back, you wouldn't want to be back there, and if it were from the front you could probably just go under its legs, so leading seemed like a nice idea to you.

Soon enough Percy successfully, led everyone to the common room. You searched the panicked common room for your twin brother, but failed to find him.

"Percy..? Fred! George!" You yelled for your older brothers, drawing not only their attention, but everyone elses. "Ron's not here! Neither is Harry... Hermione isn't here either!" It was quiet for a second, everyone taking in what you had just said. Once it had finally settled in everyones mind, Fred and George were the first to panic. "Merlin's Beard!" "Ron's gone!" "Probably looking for that stupid troll!" They looked at each other and said in unison, "MUM'S GONNA KILL US!" That, for some reason sent everyone into yelling and screaming, even crying, panic. After about 10 minutes of Percy trying to calm everyone down, while also panicking himself, the door opened and once again, everyone froze.

From the door came Ron, Harry, and Hermione, followed by Professor McGonagall. Before anyone could say anything you ran up to Ron and engulfed him in a big hug, then slapped him and said "You jerk!" And ran off to your room.

Come to think of it, you might have been on your period.

Short chapter, new one coming out tomorrow (9.27.23)

I CANNOT be the only one that absolutely loves Fred and George and their reactions to hearing we slapped Malfoy 😭😍😍

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