
"Prophecies aren't what they always seem, sweetheart, there's more to it than just death and life. The kid of Poseidon is no harm." His words warm and soft as if coaxing an infant.


"He's a good kid, Your future is clouded to me but whatever I see, I assure you Juliet, The boy is no harm, he's camaraderie."

There was silence between them for a moment, both of them silently tending to the flowers falling into a familiar routine before Juliet spoke, "You don't visit anymore."

"Things aren't looking good up in Olympus, I'm always occupied, workload is like tons." His words were whiny bringing them out of the serious conversation and back to their usual mood.

"Your a god," Juliet scoffed staring at her father with raised eyebrows, "you can't have like managers and stuff for workload?"

"Wait that's actually a smart idea." Apollo clicked his fingers before pushing his shades up his nose.

"Um have you seen me?" Juliet gestured towards her making her father grin, "I'm the epitome of smart, so obviously its a smart idea."

"You get it from me." The grin was wide and he looked proud but Juliet was about to rain on his parade.

"No I get it from mom, your not really that smart." She smirked as her father took in an offended gasp, hand coming to the right side of his chest before he gave her a mock angry look.

"You wanna have a fight?"

"Pull up old man, you think I'm scared of you." She jeered back, before taking a hold of his hand and putting it on the left where hearts usually our for normal humans.

"Shit man, you're like an adorable puppy, can't believe you're my kid." He messed up her hair with a grin, making Juliet swat at his arms as he removed his shades before resting them on her nose.

"Oh I'll show you adorable!" Juliet snapped out before grabbing a handful of dirt and chucking it at him.

Soon the duo were busy creating a mess in the room, the conversation long forgotten. And before Juliet knew the sun rose and she woke up from slumber.

The first thing she did after waking up was get ready to go meet Percy in his cabin. She remembered her father's words, Percy was a good kid and Chiron had also wanted Juliet to help the guy around, plus the dude was easy on the eyes so Juliet didn't really mind. He was basically free eye candy, that sounded kinda wrong but meh, whatever.

"Settling in good?" She leaned by the door of his cabin, not quite stepping inside to not invade his privacy.

Percy looked up from the array of notes he had all over his bed of ancient greek. Juliet knew he was learning the basics from Annabeth, but Juliet never thought that ancient greek was as hard as Percy was making it seem with the bundle of notes.

But then again he was studying from Annabeth, while Juliet had been taught by Connor Stroll, the work load was a whole different thing.

"Oh, hey," he was a little awkward but it gave away to a smile when he realised someone was finally approaching him, and not leaving him secluded like the past days.

"You sound like a total loner," she tilted her head with a lazy grin, asking for permission to enter, Percy moved away his notes to make space for her to sit.

"I kinda am," he sulked back, scribbling something on the paper in greek, Juliet stopped herself from chuckling at all the spelling mistakes that made some sentences quite crude.

"I know that's why I came," she let her eyes roam around the inside of the cabin, it was very homey, reminded her of her childhood home a little, except the seashells and stuff put her a little on edge, "nice place I would've loved it if I wasn't scared of fishes and stuff."

"You're what? They are sweet creatures!" Percy seemed shocked that anyone could ever hate fishes, his eyes were wide as he stared at her. Greek homework long forgotten.

"They have beady little eyes that stare into my soul threatening to eat me alive with their ammonia coated body. My worst nightmare really." Juliet shuddered as she talked, her fear for fish stemmed back to when she'd actually seen a dead one in her kitchen.

It had scared the shit out of her at how the wide unmoving eyes seemed to be staring right down her soul. That had been a foul experience, fucked up with her brain chemistry forever.

"They are cute, you just need to hold them." Percy tried to defend his point but Juliet just shrugged as she causally spoke the next words, "You're cute I'm not holding you though?"

Percy outright blushed like a maniac making Juliet grin, his eyes looked everywhere but her and his hand fiddled with the sheets.

"Chill bro, It's harmless fun." She lightly punched his shoulder making him awkwardly chuckle back.

"A joke, yeah,"

"It really wasn't," she said it was fun specifically, because it wasn't a joke, Percy was actually cute, "you are in fact cute, but whatever,"

She let it go after watching all the blood rush back into his face. Instead she changed the subject to look over his notes, "You need help with this? You are kinda cursing my great something grandfather here in greek?"

"Wh-what?" Percy turned towards the sheets in slight panic, Juliet pointed to the words he had written.

"You've written, 'Alexander the shit' instead of 'Alexander the Great' a rather controversial statement if I must say, blue." She pushed her raybans up her hair to see the homework more clearly.

"Why do you call me blue?" Percy questioned taking the sheet to correct his words but not making much progress as he made a spelling mistake.

Alexander the grat.

Whatever atleast it was better than shit.

"Cause that's you, you're blue." Juliet answered nonchalantly, taking the sheet out of his hands to correct the spelling.

"What do you mean? I only have blue eyes, and your's are bluer than mine."

"They are Caribbean blue like dad's," she was a little defensive about that, school bullying and shit, "I have synthesia, I relate sounds to colours, the first time you talked it was all just blue in my head."

"Wow," Percy stared at her a second mouth gaped, before asking, "What does grover sound like?"

"Orange, he's loud as hell."

"Woah," Percy looked like he had found a new shiny toy, a rare one too.

"Yeah, pretty cool, right?" She loved talking about the gifts she had naturally acquired from her family, they were cool as hell, but campers didn't discuss them much, all of them usually steered clear of her and called her conceited when she talked about her linage.

"Percy, Mr.D wants you." Grover barged into the cabin catching them off guard as he huffed while leaning by the door.

Juliet took that as her cue to leave, standing up she let the shades fall back on her nose, "Well, I'll see you later, blue. Come to me, if you need anything, I'm the freest person in camp, and I kinda like helping cute guys." She then turned towards Grover while exiting the place, gave him a charming grin making the satyr look dazed, "Bye Grover."

She waved her hand as Grover returned the wave with a stupid grin on his face.

"Did you just get the Juliet Alexander to call you cute! She's the coolest person on camp!" She shook her head with a grin while walking away as the satyr ranted off to Percy.

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