She whines and sticks her tongue out at me, "not until Lila gets here."

"Lila will be here in a few just go to sleep," I groan.

"Fine," she finally agrees to sleep and closes her eyes. I check to make sure I have all of my bags and climb into the front seat leaving Ryana sprawled across the back seat.

"I hope you know I'm coming to New York with you guys," Harry smirked.

"What the hell! Why?" I groan. It's not that I don't love Harry but I was hoping we could just get this week done with and then we can come back home, knowing Harry he'll put up a fight to leave.

"Because Louis I'm tired of London. It's raining all the time and there is literally barely anything here that we haven't already seen at least 10 times," Harry whined.

"You're more of a child then Ryana," I sigh.

"Well I mean I try," Harry sarcastically beamed.

"What do you even plan on doing in New York?" I ask.

"Well Clubbing, shopping, meeting girls, the usual," he shrugged pulling up to a hotel, "why doesn't this Lila girl just stay with you guys?"

I shook my head at him and then walked out of the car, "Okay you literally do none of that when we go to New York and Lila doesn't stay with us because apparently when ever the girls are near each other to long they get in horrible fights."

"Ah understandable," Harry nodded his head and walked into the hotel lobby. Lila sat there playing on her phone not even paying attention to us.

"Hey Lila you ready for New York?" I ask and she still didn't look up from her phone, "Um Lila?"

"Shut the fuck up? It's three in the Fucking morning do you think I'm ready for fucking New York? No! I'm ready to beat your ass for picking such a early fight. Don't fucking talk to me," She shouted picking up her three bags and walking towards the door sassily.

"Damn she's worse then Ryana," Harry chuckled.

"See this is why she doesn't stay with us?" I cringed.

"Ryana get your fucking ass up and move the fuck over," I heard Lila yell as we walk back to the car.

"Lila!" Ryana screeched tackling the girl and they both fall out of the car.

"Oh my god Ryana not now I'm tired," Lila groaned.

"My cuddle bug is here and now I'm happy and I love you and I can sleep now and I love you," Ryana babbled.

"Fuck why now Ryana," Lila faked cried.

"Come on love birds get in the car," Harry yelled as me and him slide into the car.

"Fuck that Louis get in the back before I punch you!" Lila warned and I lifted my hands in surrender and walked to the back seat seeing Ryana laying on the ground looking drowsy.

"Ryana are you okay?" I ask.

Lila huffed picking Ryana up and throwing her into the back seat of the car carelessly. Ryana groaned and adjusted herself so she was basically laying over top of me with her head on my thigh. Lila smirked and me probably knowing this would happen and I just sighed trying to get comfortable.

The ride was left in silence and when we made it to the airport there was only about three paparazzi waiting for us. We paid them to keep or location classified and even answered a couple questions since we had thirty minutes before our flight. Ryana stayed fast asleep on Lila's lap as we answered the questions and waited for our flight to be called.

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