Chapter 10

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As I wake up, I cover my face with my palm to shield myself from the sunlight streaming through the window. I sit up in bed and get out, grabbing a towel as I head into the bathroom to freshen up. After finishing, I come out of the bathroom wearing a pink shirt, a brown skirt, and my hair tied to the side. As I descend the stairs, I look around and realize that there is no one at home. Then, I notice a note on the table and walk towards it to read it.

"Hey Vidya, Mom and I took Dad to the hospital for his appointment. Breakfast is a sandwich in the kitchen."

After reading the note, I sigh and wonder why they didn't wake me up. I rub my forehead in frustration and notice the bruises on my wrist. It reminds me of someone I dislike, and I hold my wrist, feeling a mix of anger and fear. I question if there's any way to escape from him. I sit at the dining table, feeling hopeless, and tears well up in my eyes. I wonder what I did to deserve his mistreatment. I feel exhausted and sick at the thought of going to see him.

As I mutter to myself, I rest my head on the table, allowing the tears to fall. I close my eyes and then open them, wiping away the tears and sighing. I don't want to work there anymore. The only reason I'm still there is because of Sanjay's project. If he hadn't blackmailed me, I would have resigned from my job. I despise having to see his face.

Filled with anger, I abruptly stand up from the chair and go to the kitchen. I open the transparent container, revealing a sandwich on a white plate. The smell of the sandwich makes my stomach rumble, and without hesitation, I take a bite. Once I finish the sandwich, I head to Kathir's office by bus. As I enter, I let out a big sigh.

Today, I have to be more careful and stay away from that monster, Kathir. I go to my office room, sit on my chair, and wave at Emma. She smiles back at me with concern.

Emma: Are you sick?

I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head.

Vidya: No, why?

Emma: Your eyes look dull. That's why I'm asking if you're sick.

Emma looks at my eyes closely, then rummages through her bag and takes out a small mirror. She shows me the mirror, and I see the dullness under my eyes, making me look sick.

Vidya: Does it still look dull even after I've put on makeup?

I ask her, and she nods. She asks me to wait for a moment and gives me a sweet from her handbag.

Emma: Eat this. It will make you feel a little fresher.

Vidya: Thank you.

I take the sweet from her and eat it, hoping it will help. Maybe my eyes look dull because I cried earlier. As I chew the sweet, I continue to work on my monitor. Suddenly, there is a tap sound on my table, causing me to startle. I look at the person, and it's Nitya, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at me.

Vidya: Yes?

Nitya: Because of you, Kathir sir got mad at me.

I don't understand what she means.

Vidya: What do you mean?

Nitya: He got mad at me because you spilled coffee on his shirt when you gave it to him.

Emma looks at me in shock, and I notice her expression. I glance back at Nitya.

Vidya: But you're the one who asked me to give it to him.

Nitya: It's not my fault. I just ordered you to do it, but spilling the coffee is your fault. I don't want to hear your explanations. Come and explain this to Sir Kathir.

Nitya grabs my wrist and pulls me along. I try to explain that I already apologized, but she doesn't listen and keeps dragging me. She takes me to a room and pushes me inside, closing the door before I can react. Her behavior shocks me.

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