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I looked around the party hall, taking in the luxurious decor and the spacious surroundings. As I sat down, I continued to look around when suddenly all the cameramen rushed to the main entrance and set up their cameras.

The host announced,

HOST: Yes, it's a sign that our most important person is ready to arrive. Let's welcome the top number one businessman, Kathiresan! Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome him by standing.

Everyone stood up, including me and Sanjay, to welcome the businessman. I was curious and looked around to see who he was.

The man entered the hall wearing a black suit. His hair was slicked back with a single strand falling on his forehead. He had sharp, almond-shaped eyes that were a deep brown color with long lashes. His nose was sharp, and he was tall, fit, and muscular. He had tattoos on his forearms and hand on his right hand and wore a silver bracelet on his right hand and a black watch on his left. He also wore black cuff earrings and had a trimmed stubble beard and a sharp jawline. He looked incredibly handsome and confident as he entered the hall and adjusted his sleeve button.

The man was none other than Kathir.

VIDYA: (Kathir???)

My heart skipped a beat as I realized that the businessman was none other than Kathir. I was stunned and got goosebumps all over my body. I couldn't believe that I was meeting him again after all these years. Kathir looked completely different now - he had a serious and arrogant expression on his face.

I was frozen in place and didn't know what to do. I was completely blank and couldn't think of anything to say. I just stood there, looking at Kathir in shock.

The host welcomed Kathir and asked him to take a seat. Everyone sat down, and Sanjay pulled my hand to take my seat. I was still in shock, but I managed to sit down. I couldn't take my eyes off Kathir, who was sitting at a table a couple of tables away from me.

I turned to my brother Sanjay and asked,

VIDYA: Sanjay, who is that man?

Sanjay replied,

SANJAY: Which man?

VIDYA: The one who just entered.

I clarified.

Sanjay said,

SANJAY: He's the top richest man here. He has 15 companies running under him. Before him, his dad was handling the business, but he stepped down, so he passed the responsibility to his son. He's a big player in the business industry. I used to read every article about him.

I was surprised to hear this. I thought to myself,

Is this the same Kathir who studied with me in college? He looks completely different, but his eyes look the same. There must be his friends around here somewhere.

I looked around, but all the faces in the room were new to me. I couldn't see anyone who looked like they might be friends with Kathir.

VIDYA: Hmm...

Why didn't Kathir come with his wife or kids? He must be a responsible man now. He's got a successful business and a family. That's so inspiring.

I couldn't help but wonder about his achievements. I knew him in college as an ordinary, quiet guy. I never thought I would see him again, but now he's a completely different person.

HOST: Now let's welcome Kathiresan sir to the stage.

Everyone clapped as Kathiresan climbed onto the stage. I watched as he made his way up.

KATHIR: Welcome, everyone, who has joined this event. We are here to launch a new project called 'SSMA,' and it is worth this huge announcement! Very soon, my business partner and I will inform you of more updates about this project at the next event. Thank you.

Kathir announced his project with a serious expression, not a single smile on his face. I continued to observe his every action.

HOST: Sir, what advice would you give to people who wish to achieve success like you?

KATHIR: Work hard, and it pays off! Thank you.

He finished his advice in a short sentence.

HOST: Thank you so much, sir.

I watched as Kathir left the event after his speech. I couldn't help but notice how different he looked from his college days.

I thought to myself,

Okay, he looks so different compared to his college days.

But I guess that's what happens when you become a married man, a father, and the boss of 15 companies.

I was still in shock from seeing Kathir after all these years.

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