Chapter 7

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The next day, I got ready while standing in front of the mirror. I applied eyeliner and took a moment to look at my face before sighing in frustration.

"I just hate to see him again," I muttered to myself.

I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs. Glancing at my brother and father who were enjoying sweets while watching television, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at them angrily. I was already frustrated about seeing Kathir's face again, and now seeing them enjoying sweets added to my annoyance. I spoke out,

VIDYA: "Hey, when will your project deal with Kathir end, Sanjay?"

As I spoke, both of them turned their heads towards me, and Sanjay replied,

SANJAY: "I guess it will end when he finishes the project with his other client."

Upon hearing his reply, I let out a sigh and asked,

VIDYA: "Does it take a long time to finish?"

I looked at Sanjay with a tired expression.

SANJAY: "I don't know. It's up to him. Once the project is successfully done, I'll receive the payment. Are you going there now?"

VIDYA: "Yes."

I rolled my eyes, grabbed my white handbag, bid goodbye to my brother and father, and hailed a taxi near the bus stop. I arrived at Kathir's office, paid the taxi fare, and stepped out of the car. Taking a deep breath, I looked at the building, let out a sigh, and entered the office. Inside, I spotted Kathir signing papers with a girl assistant standing nearby. Rolling my eyes, I took another deep breath to calm myself and approached the receptionist.

VIDYA: "Hi, good morning. I'm Vidya, the new employee here."

I handed over the files from my white handbag to the receptionist. As she received the files, she checked the details and typed something on the computer. My eyes wandered to Kathir, who was still busy signing papers. While signing, he furrowed his eyebrows and asked his assistant,

KATHIR: "Where is Dave?"

ASSISTANT: "He is not present today, sir. He is not feeling well."

KATHIR: "Oh, send the P2 files to him and ask him to complete them before tomorrow."

ASSISTANT: "Okay, sir..."

Upon hearing this, I felt surprised. I couldn't believe that there was no rest for employees who took leave due to being unwell. I looked at Kathir in disbelief. As he finished signing the papers, he noticed me at the receptionist's side. I quickly averted my eyes and then glanced back at him. Kathir looked at me from top to bottom and a grin appeared on his face. He walked past me, glaring at me, which irritated me even more. As he passed by, I clenched my fist and rolled my eyes, trying to control myself.

VIDYA: "Arrogant! Seriously, I want to punch his handsome face! I wish there were bruises on his face to make me happy whenever I see him!"

I muttered to myself and let out a sigh. The receptionist interrupted,

RECEPTIONIST: "There are lots of rules and regulations here, and the most important one is that when Sir Kathir calls you or asks you to complete any task, you must do it as soon as possible and not make him upset."

The receptionist lowered her tone, widened her eyes, and warned me. I furrowed my eyebrows, curious to know what he would do if his orders were not followed.

VIDYA: "Hmm... What will he do if I make him upset?"

The receptionist sighed and replied,

RECEPTIONIST: "I don't know, but it would be a nightmare for you."

I was speechless and blank for a moment. I blinked my eyes three times to process the information, then let out a sigh to calm myself.

VIDYA: "Alright, I'll try my best to be a good employee for him."

I winked confidently at the receptionist with a smile.

VIDYA: "Now, tell me, where do I have to go?"

The receptionist smiled at me and said,

RECEPTIONIST: "I love your confidence, girl. Alright, go straight, turn left, walk a few more steps, then turn left again. You'll see a room, and that will be your place."

VIDYA: "Okay, thank you."

I smiled at the receptionist, who replied, "You're welcome."

I followed the path as the receptionist had instructed, and I arrived at the room. I looked at the room, which had a glass door, and saw more than 10 employees working at their computers. I entered the room and noticed the quiet environment, which made me nervous.

VIDYA: "Stay confident, Vidya."

I motivated myself, adjusted my dress, and cleared my throat. Gently knocking on the glass door, I broke the silence and drew the attention of all the employees in the room towards me. Despite feeling nervous, I managed an awkward smile and introduced myself.

VIDYA: "Hello, I'm Vidya, the new employee."

As I introduced myself, one of the guys stood up from his office chair and approached me, asking for details. I handed him my files, and he checked them, glancing at me.

SARVISH: "I've seen you before."

VIDYA: "Umm... really? I've been here 2 or 3 times, so maybe that's why you feel that way."

I clarified that there could be a chance of feeling that way since I had been to the office a few times before, but I didn't remember or feel like I had seen him before.

SARVISH: "Oh! Here's your seat."

He pointed to the office table where I was supposed to sit. My eyes followed his hand, and I nodded.

VIDYA: "Okay, thank you."

I took my files back from him and walked past him to my seat. As I passed by, the guy looked at me up and down with a perverted look. I looked into his eyes and completely ignored him, taking my seat on my office chair. I let out a sigh and glanced to my right side, where a girl was sitting next to my table, looking at me with a big smile on her face. I smiled back at her, and the girl introduced herself.

EMMA: "Hey, I'm Emma. And you?"

VIDYA: "Hi, I'm Vidya."

I started my first day with my new friend, Emma, who taught me some tasks that I wasn't familiar with.

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