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Kwon Jia's Life

❥ 1st Year

Months past and Jia spent a lot of time with Kyungjun. The boy was fitting into the school, he kept his "cool bad boy" image up, befriending Shin Seungbin and Kim Jinha. Though the group was known as bullies and probably one of the groups in school you wouldn't want to mess with, Kyungjun never let anyone talk down on Jia, even if it was just for jokes.

He always stuck by her side.

One day, Jia and Sumin stood in the snack shop, waiting in line to get some dumplings.

"Ah..." Sumin sighed. "I don't think there's gonna be enough once it's our turn." Sumin shook her best friends hand. "It's okay, Sumin." Jia assured. "We can go get some after school." Jia said. "But I want one now... What if my craving for it disappears." Sumin gasped. "Don't be dramatic." Jia playfully smacked the girl.

"Jia." Her name was called. She turned around and saw Kyungjun. He smiled as he held up a bag. Inside, he took out a dumpling, handing it to her.

"Thank you, Kyungjun." Jia smiled. "Hello?" Sumin said, making her presence known. "Oh..." Kyungjun said lowly. "I'm just kidding. Here." He pulled out another dumpling for the girls best friend. "Go Kyungjun... Thank you for your service." Sumin said.

The two girls got out of line and began to leave the shop.

"Yah, Sumin-ah." Mina stopped the girl. "Go on." Sumin nodded to Jia. Jia nodded as she left with Kyungjun.

"How is it?" Kyungjun caught up and asked the girl who was eating. "Good." She nodded with a smile. "That's good." He smiled as he ruffled her hair. As they continued to walk to class, a group of boys were messing around in the hallway, jumping around, pushing one another, fighting for fun.

As they walked, one bumped into Jia, making her drop her food.

"Aw..." Jia looked at her food on the ground.

"I'm so sorry, Jia." The boy apologized.

"Yah!" Kyungjun moved Jia to the side as he walked up to the boy. "Oh... Kyungjun..." The boy was a bit shaken. "Why the fuck are you guys messing around out here like that?" Kyungjun questioned. "It was a mistake." The boy pleaded. "It's fine, Kyungjun." Jia grabbed his arm. The boy glared at the group once more. "Clean it up." He looked at the food on the ground. The group of boys nodded.

Kyungjun walked off with Jia.

"Yah, you didn't have to do all that..." Jia said. "I don't think I was gonna finish it anyways." She said. The boy stay silent as they arrived to the class. 

"Kwon Jia~" Hyunho saw the girl, his face lighting up. She smiled as she approached him, sitting at her desk. "Yes, Jang Hyunho?" She questioned. "Are you coming to my game tonight?" He asked. "Of course I am." She nodded. "What kind of person would I be to miss one." 

"Good." He said. "I need my lucky charm there." He smiled. Being called his lucky charm, the girl felt her face heat up. "Oh-" He pointed at her cheeks. "Stop it." She smacked his hand lightly before turning around in her seat to face away from him.

Kyungjun sat in the back with his two friends as he watched the girl and the boy flirt.

"Aish, that Jang Hyunho..." He tilted his head. "What?" Jinha asked. "Yah, Go." Seungbin called. "You know those two like each other right?" He asked. "What?" Kyungjun looked at the boy. "Yeah, everyone knows that." Seungbin shrugged.

"They've liked each other since kindergarten, the whole school knows that." Jinha shrugged.

The boy scoffed.


After more time passed, Kyungjun and Jia almost hung out almost everyday, except the days of Hyunho's games or times Hyunho got to Jia first.

She often talked more about Kyungjun to her family than she did about Hyunho at this point.

The girl stood outside on her phone as she waited for Kyungjun to arrive. 

"Jia." He walked up behind her. She turned around, putting down her phone, and smiled once she saw him. 

The two went on with their original plans for the night.

When it was coming to an end, the boy had taken her to the top of a beautiful sight seeing place.

"Yeah... It said it was the best place to come to see over the city during the day, but I figured it'd be better at night." Kyungjun said as he looked over the city with the girl. "Oh~ I love it." Jia smiled, admiring the view.

"I figured you would." He said proud of himself. 

After they admired the view for a little while, they prepared to leave and end their night there. Jia had asked Kyungjun to take some photos of her and so he did. He stood behind her, taking some photos of her as she had requested, which was perfect for him.

"Okay, I think that's good." She turned as she turned around to face him and away from the view. 

When she saw him, he held a bouquet of roses out towards her.

"Ta-da~!" He said. "What is this?" She asked as she covered her mouth, taking the bouquet. The boy smiled as he admired the girls shocked face which turned into a smile. 

"Kwon Jia." The boy grabbed her free hand. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Kyungjun asked. "Of course." Jia smiled as the boy pulled her into a hug, both not really caring for the roses that were being squished between them. Surprisingly, they survived the squeeze.

Kyungjun walked the girl home as usual, both were happy and giddy the whole time. Once she got inside, her mom was downstairs getting a snack before bed.

"About time that you're home." Her mother said. Jia walked into the kitchen with a huge smile, face glowing. "Roses? Smiling? Jia..." Her mother squinted her eyes, ready for the news. "Go Kyungjun asked me to be his girlfriend!" Jia cheered.

Although her parents did prefer Hyunho over Kyungjun, her mother was still very excited for her as she cheered with her daughter.

"I wish you guys the best." Her mother hugged her. "Now let's find a vase for the flowers."

❥ 2nd Year

The two had their ups and downs, but don't all relationships?

After a year, Kyungjun had gotten worse with his bullying, but the girl put up with it. Jia often intervened, helping the poor people out as she stopped Kyungjun every so often.

Hyunho was a pretty popular guy amongst the girls. No one went near or him or made a move since they all thought him and Jia were dating since they've liked each other for the longest time. But a year ago when news came out that Jia and Kyungjun were dating, all the girls began making their moves on Hyunho.

Jia would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous watching all these girls line up for him. But she knew she couldn't be jealous. She had a boyfriend. Hyunho was free range for anyone now.

But, Hyunho pushed away any girl that asked him out since he liked Jia and only her. Jia even made it clear to him that he should try dating someone, though she hated talking to him about it and the thought of it.

Yet, Hyunho made sure to let Jia know that she was the only person he had his eyes on and always has been. 

The tension between Kyungjun and Hyunho got tighter when Jia and Kyungjun began dating the year before.

Everyday at school, the girl would constantly have to separate the two to the point she got annoyed and irritated about it. She told the two to stop before she decided to just drop them both, it was so bad that she even stopped talking to them for almost two weeks, avoiding them at all cost.

In the end, Jia stayed with Kyungjun. She loved him. But, her mind was still occupied by Hyunho.

--- End of Jia's life flashback ---


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