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After a long while, Jia got off the bed, heading out of the room. 

"Jia." Hyunho popped his head up when the girl walked out. "Hyunho..." She looked at him as she closed the door behind her. "Were you out here the whole time?" She asked. "Yeah..." He nodded. "I ran into Sumin and you weren't with her... So I asked where you were and she said you were probably here, so I came and waited." He explained.

"Ah..." Jia nodded. "Let's go." She waved him to follow.

The two began to walk and talk for a while before past an intersection. As they walked by, Jia looked over and spotted Mina.

"You go on, I need to go see Sumin for a second." Jia lied. "Okay." Hyunho smiled as he nodded, walking off. Jia headed back to where she had seen Mina. The girl seemed stressed, running her hand through her hair multiple times. Jia went up to the girl, putting a hand on the girls shoulder.

"What..." Jia whispered. 

"Damn you."

"Turn on the light."

"Hurry up."

"Check there."

The voices came through the door, one being Kyungjun.

"Yah, Choi Mina." Jia said the girls name. "I didn't want to, Jia." She looked at the girl with pleading eyes. "Kyungjun asked me to get Wooram but I don't know what's gonna happen." She panicked.

"Choi Mina." Jia grabbed the girls other shoulder. The girl stopped and looked at Jia in the eyes. "It's not your fault." Jia said. "Whatever is happening in there... You... We, were never here." 

Mina nodded her head rapidly as she swallowed over and over. 

"Go, now." Jia said pushing the girl away lightly. With that, Mina ran off. Jia looked over at the door to the broadcasting room before walking back to where she had left Hyunho.

"I'm back." She skipped over. "What'd you need to talk to her about?" Hyunho asked curiously. "Nothing serious." Jia shrugged. "Just asked if she was hungry so I could bring her some food." She lied.

"Where's Donghyun?" She asked curiously. "He's getting some sleep." Hyunho replied.

It wasn't long until the two ran into Junhee and Somi.

"Have you guys seen Wooram?" Junhee asked. "Wooram?" Hyunho recalled. "No, I don't think so." Hyunho shook his head. "Jia?" Somi looked at the girl. "Haven't seen him since I left the canteen." Jia answered.

"We'll help you look for him." Hyunho said as he took Jia's hand into his. They joined the two in finding the boy even though Jia knew exactly where he was. 

After a while, they then ran into Yoonseo who hasn't seen him either, and Donghyun who joined.

The PA system went off again.

"I'm Park Wooram." Wooram spoke over. "I'm the mafia." He confessed. His breathing was heavy. "I killed Lee Juyoung." He continued. 

"What's he saying?" Somi asked in disbelief. "To the studio." Yoonseo grabbed the girls arm. 

The boy kept speaking over the intercom as everyone headed to the broadcasting room. They all ran until they got there, the door was locked.

"Yah! Open the door now!" Junhee yelled.

Junhee and Hyunho began to try to kick the door down. Yoonseo ran off to find something to break the door with. Jia looked around trying to find something in reach and she did, she found a fire extinguisher. 

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