Cynwrig's Reply

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"One of the great things about the Women of Home is their passion for what is right. Annabelle is one example of that passion," he looked toward the president and said, "and Zawadi is another. I understand what the High thinks I'm here to do, but let me ask you, President, am I here to stop a war, or to reconcile a family?"

The older woman rose where she sat and said, "You tell me, Diplomat Pembroke. What is it you think you are here to do? What does the High think you are here to do?"

"The High, like the one that oversaw the first congress that established the relationship between the Wild and the women of Capital, wants you to live together in peace." He declined to look away from her and said, "I'm not so sure you want that. Perhaps what you want is more separation. Even dissolution of the two peoples into two nations on one planet. Or do you actually want to rule over all the women of Home?"

There was a disturbed murmur through the room as this stark possibility was vocalized.

"You see, I have been in many rooms like this one on many planets. Hostilities of some sort have happened. Reactions on both sides. People are planning out worst-case scenarios. I find it best then to determine what it is the two sides want. More specifically, to find out what the leaders ordering the troops really want. So, Zawadi, what do you want? Reconciliation, war, power?"

For the first time since they had gotten here, Annabelle saw Zawadi look uncomfortable. She did not want to be having this conversation, which also made her angry. "The Wild want what is ours. We want the atrocities to stop, and we will do whatever is needed to stop them."

Cynwrig let his eyes run down the row of senators and across the crowd. "Well, that is a starting place, but before I begin the negotiations, may I confirm you are acting and speaking for all the Wild and not just your Clan Youko."

A woman a couple of chairs down from Zawadi had been squirming through this interchange. Zawadi said, "I am the President of the Wild Women, which means I am their voice in all matters with the outside."

"Point of order," said the squirming woman, and stood." Clan Haruko, would like to point out the President is the voice of the senate and the Wild Women, conveying the intent and policy of the entire group. They empower her to be that voice, but she is not the sole maker of policy. If we are talking of making war, the senate, as a whole, should be making those kinds of decisions. Not just the president."

Zawadi looked at this woman, first in surprise, then consternation. Annabelle wondered what she was thinking, but her answer was calm. "Clan Haruko is completely correct. It is the decision of the senate what kind of situation we are in." She looked back at Cynwrig and said, "Therefore diplomat, why don't you present what the High wants you to say. Then we will deliberate on what should be done."

Was that a win or loss for Zawadi? For her father? Annabelle realized she would not be a very good diplomat and decided not to follow in her mother's footsteps.

"Very well," Cynwrig said, "I ask the Senate's indulgence for a few moments as I articulate some things just to be clear on where I think we are." The two women reseated themselves and he began to speak.

"This may surprise you, but I understand the Wild Women's position better than you think. I understand what it is to sit outside the Rainbows, as you call them. They dominate all of this world's society and if you aren't in one, people don't listen to you the same way." There were nods all around the room. "But it is worse than that, isn't it? They don't just ignore you, they forget you exist. You aren't in the room when important things are being discussed. If you are, then you sit in the back while the discussion flows between women with color names, and you just hope they let you interrupt. When you do, your words have to be ten times better than theirs just to be heard."

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