An Uncomfortable Dress

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Annabelle looked at the dress in the locker room mirror and growled. It was her nicest outfit, but the bust gaped and it ended too high above her knees. When she had originally taken it out of its box, Mother said it was very expensive. Mother explained she bought it because Annabelle must have something appropriate for cast events, but Annabelle had managed to avoid those the whole tour.

Until today. She had about an hour to get dressed and to the theater. It was going to be an embarrassment.

"That dress does nothing for you," said a voice behind her. "It doesn't fit."

She looked in the mirror over her shoulder and saw half of a girl her age behind her. She had straight black hair and the palest skin Annabelle had ever seen. "It's a Givani and cost a lot of money."

"Oh, I know who made it," said the girl without moving to where Annabelle could see her. "Quite beautiful in its own way, but not on you."

Annabelle spun round and said, "What is that supposed to mean? I'm too ugly to..." She paused when she saw the other girl's scars, " wear a Givani?"

The other girl put on a smidgen of a smile and said, "Not in the least. It just doesn't fit you. Maybe it did once, but not now." She turned Annabelle back to the mirror. "First, it looks like someone is getting boobs. That's why the chest is gaping open. And it is too short because you've probably grown an inch or more since you got it."

Annabelle poked her chest and was surprised to feel something other than muscle there. Not much, but something.

"Why are you forcing yourself into this? Why not get a proper dress if you have a party?"

Annabelle sighed which almost broke the front button. "I've got a theater cast party in an hour. I've avoided them for over a year, but this is probably my last and everyone says I must go."

"And this was your best dress?"

"My only dress."

"And you didn't think to try it on till an hour before you have to be there? What about your makeup?"

"Makeup?" There was panic in her voice, "You think I need to wear make up? I don't know anything about makeup. I'd better just cancel."

"You don't have to do anything. But I personally like to put my best foot forward. Especially at public events. If I don't feel like I tried my best, then every other pretty girl makes me feel uglier."

Annabelle thought of the other actress's in the play. It was like a who's who of beauty for Home. This was going to be a disaster.

"I know that look," the other girl smiled. "If you'll trust Orea, I'll do everything, and you'll be on the celebrity pages tomorrow."

"I'm not sure that's a good thing," said Annabelle thinking about how much crap she had to deal with because of the little celebrity she already had. But she didn't want to give up or be the worst in the cast. That kind of thing shredded her confidence. "Okay, do your best."

"Ha! I get to dress a famous actress," said Orea with delight. "Let's go upstairs to the physical aesthetics classroom."

While Orea was pulling her toward the door, Annabelle asked, "Isn't that an upper-class area? Are we allowed up there?"

"Don't worry, no one will be there. I've snuck in loads of times, and only got caught once."

Despite the chance of ending up in the Head's office twice in a month, Annabelle let herself be lead by this strange girl.

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