What Happens Now

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"Forest Man Uaine, there is someone you should meet," said the younger, and, Eógan felt, kinder, Doctor Girl Orange. Sunshine had let him cry until he felt there were no more tears. Till he could breath again and then speak. In the Doctor Girl's arm was a bundle wrapped in black.

"This is your daughter," she said as she placed the tiny human in his arms. He had very little experience with babies. The only time he'd even held one was during the very crisis that introduced him to the Space Girl that would ultimately become his wife. Racing from a forest fire, the baby was handed to him by a father who couldn't keep up as they fled. As the man had fallen to his knees in exhaustion, a flying saucer landed to carry them all to safety.

He looked down at her. Like all fathers he thought her beautiful. "She's so red," he said. Tears stung in his eyes again, as he added, "Like her mother," with a smile at the humor of it. The other women smiled too.

"That's normal for babies," said the Doctor Girl. "This one is fine to a full wavelength. She'll be crawling and running before you know it."

But before that she must be cared for. Fed. Bathed. Taken care of. Baby stuff, he thought and started to panic. He didn't know any of that stuff. Red would have known. She would have handled it. She could do anything.

"But I don't know how to take care of a baby," he said out loud and then a new thought crossed his mind. What about me? I'm only allowed on Home because I'm married to a woman of Home. Space Woman Red is gone now.

"What happens now?" asked Eógan.

Administrator Sunshine answered the practical question, "You are not alone. We from the healing center will provide support in the care of the newborn. And I know the community you are part of in the North wood will also be there for you."

The Doctor Girl answered a more straightforward problem. "We have a number of women and girls who have volunteered to be nurse maids when needed. It doesn't happen often, but we can give them hormone treatment and they will produce milk. I myself am on that list, as is Administrator Sunshine. Even Doctor Woman Lavender would be willing and honored to serve."

For a man from Gammalon this talk of nursing and hormones was a little off putting, but it was not his prime concern. "What about me? I'm only allowed here because of Red." Then pulling his daughter tight to his chest, he added, "You can't take her from me." His heart clenched in terror as he realized if the women on Home wanted to take his baby they were completely capable of it, and there was ultimately nothing he could do to stop them.

Emotions flashed across the women's faces. Chagrin, surprise, maybe anger at the idea they would do such a thing. But ultimately it was compassion that settled there. Doctor Orange's eyes flicked to her boss, and then said, "We would never force a child from her parent. Male, female, it doesn't matter. You are her parent. It is your right and responsibility to raise her as you see fit."

"I know you have not been on Home long, Eógan," said Admin Sunshine. "But know she is yours. You would not be here if your wife - a Space Girl no less - had not seen you as a man of Quality. Part of that is the ability to be a Father." She said the last word more like a title than a descriptor. "We will follow your lead in the raising of your child just like we would your mate's. If you choose to get up and go directly to the space port with the little one, no one would stop you."

"Though I'd probably follow you all the way there," said Orange with a smile," explaining everything I could about newborn care and piling baby supplies on you."

Eógan felt his muscles relax, and looked down at the child. He had come into the city with Red yesterday in her flying saucer Maximus. He wore a lightweight shirt that was open in the front. His movements had pressed the baby's face against the bare part of his chest. When he relaxed his grip, the little one turned her head and began to suck at his skin.

"No, beagan, I can not feed you," he glanced up at the women.

Administrator Sunshine said, "If you will allow me, I can nurse your child. My little Awana was born just a few weeks ago." She did not move toward the man, to make clear he had a choice.

"I wouldn't want to take from your baby, ma'am."

"Nonsense," said Sunshine, as she reached for the zipper on her body suit. "I'm more than capable of nursing multiple babies." A quick motion opened the garment, exposing her breasts. She held out her arms toward him.

He reluctantly passed the baby over and with practiced movements his daughter was attached to the Administrator's breast. Eógan continued to watch the baby as she began to nurse. While the women of Gamelon had nowhere near the indifference to nudity this planet did, most would have been just as open when breast feeding.

"A moment ago you called the baby something," said Doctor Orange. "Began? Is that the name you have picked for her?"

"No, no, it just means little one in my language. A common term of endearment."

"Have you picked a name?" asked Administrator Sunshine. "She will of course have your parental surname, Uaine."

"It is my understanding, since we only have one child, she will mostly be called by that name until she goes to school," he said, "despite what it means."

"Kind of," explained Admin Sunshine. "At a certain point in Rainbow School, assuming you choose to send her there, she will gain a color. Before that she will probably be called by her surname, Uaine. But most families have a family name they refer to their children by, and many people close to them will probably use it too."

Orange sat next to the man on the waiting room couch. She inhaled a deep breath as she settled in the seat. "What does your name mean? Why would it be a problem?"

"It means green. It is my understanding while you are all named after six colors, it is taboo to give a child a color name."

"Ah," said the Doctor Girl. "Indeed it is frowned on, but it is unlikely anyone will know that meaning at Rainbow School or amoung the general public. Even so, at lighter hues we have many different names. Like Sunshine for instance. It tells me the Administrator was Yellow in school, but as she has been elevated, and a word that means a lighter color was needed."

"And there are very few pure color words for 'light yellow'," added the Administrator. "Unlike other colors, like Lavender or Pink."

"I think I shall just call her Beagan for now. We will see if it sticks," said the Forest Man.

"It seems Beagan has fallen asleep," said the Administrator, as she pulled her from her breast.

"If you will accept my suggestion," said the young Doctor, rising, "Allow me to take her back to the nursery for the night. This would be common for a newborn." She didn't add anything about it being common only for mothers who couldn't care for the child in the night because of complications. Space Girl Red Leo sadly qualified. "You need some rest and your own care. We've taken the liberty of setting you up in a healing suite here."

Administrator Sunshine passed the baby to Orange, and zipped her suit back up. She took over the instructions, "Eógan, there are many things you are going to have to face and take care of with the passing of your mate. Let us care for you and walk with you in this time."

His focus pulled away from the baby and back to the tragedy of his life, the crushing weight of it landeding on him again. "If you don't mind him where he is, I might go stay in Maximus."

Admin Sunshine's eyes changed again, and she said, "Eógan, your mate's flying saucer flew away the moment she died." Noticing his shocked look, she added, "I don't know a lot about how they work, but the AIs are quite connected to their Space Girls. It is why they stay with them even when they become inactive. I fear he takes it just as badly as you have. I don't know where he went, but I'm sure Space Girl HQ has been informed."

He understood, and like Maximus he wished he could run away too. To be in the forest now would be best, but not without Beagán. Not yet.

"Show me to my room then," he asked.

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