Chapter 13

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New day unlocked by the encounter of those renowned detectives in their zones~

"Don't you think their's nothing much in this computer?" ,said one of the detective fidgeting his chair.

"I don't see much here besides some contact lists of clients and a childhood photo of two young boys." The hacker interrupted while clinging his fingers to the keyboard.

"He's too much of a sly in saving up his sensitive files". Gan-I-shik spoke up clenching his wrist.

"By the way what kind of photos did you see?" The other interrupted him.

"Wait !! Let me see the files first..." Gan-I-shik exchanged seats with the hacker and began to cling up with the computer.
He clicked some of the random files and all off a sudden he received a videofile. Rising up with the curiosity inside him, he clicked on it making it to start up the video.
As the video started all of them present at the room were almost deadly stunned by the sight of the playing video. They saw a young boy being tormented up like a piece of vagrant dog being not able to catch up for a long days of bread. All they could here were some creepy noises of laughter of elderly people.

"Hell, who's this little kid being tortured up this much crucially." One of the detective spoke up ., a sound of crackness in his voice.

"Wait a bit, the boy's face looks similar with one of the boy at the photo." The hacker inquired.

"I don't think we should be needing such things for solving the case except the client lists." Gan-I-shik spoke up without any emotions. He knew something was certain. "Besides this video thing should not reach on Namsoon's ears." He gulped.


Facing towards the hacker he suggested him to search for the details of those clients list and to search which countries they belong from with the help of their stated phone numbers.

Nam-in was still in enormous bewilderment. He didn't even took half of the first pill and yet he was almost exploited with nausea and craveness of water. The other pill was already stored up in his drawer along with the left over one. He wants to return it back but unfortunately he couldn't reach up Tae-ra now. Even she changed her recent phone number.Unable to watch him in such critical condition, his dad Bong-go himself took him to check up in a hospital.

Meanwhile nobody in their family knows about it. Guem-joo already turned an eye down about it while Namsoon doesn't even know a tiny thing about the matter.


Beyond the darkest hours of dawn till the sun's horizon lay on the faded starlight of the vast skyline showing the glimpse of twilight, i was still showing signs of dizzy thoughts about Ryu-shio. Somewhere profound in my inner voice of mind, i was full of insecurities. My heart couldn't bear up the way i was lying him all these times. I know he's doing wrong but i know too he has some vanquish story behind it. My mind craves to know all of it but the question arises how ?? I can't just directly ask him all such things!!! The process needs to be done slow and steady.

Gazing my phone the last time where Shio had texted ~

"Tsetseg i want you to come in my office as soon as you reach the company."

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