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Hello guys hope you'll are doing fine. Well after watching the last episode of "Strong girl namsoon" yesterday, i thought of writing a story about Ryu shi-oh & Tsetseg. I was quite sad about the miserable ending of Ryu si-oh , like he deserved atleast better if he was not supposed to be the main lead.
I personally think that the writers must have given him a chance to change or a chance to turn into a good person as his past traumatic childhood was showcased in the drama.

So here i'm making Ryu shi-oh as main lead along with Gang Namsoon as the female lead role. The story will remain somewhat same like as the drama mentioned above while some parts will be changed by me.
Lastly i want to say that the main idea of the story is based on the drama "Strong girl Namsoon" which i will be remaking it by putting some extra scenes and of course half of the story will be different from the original drama.
I hope i might write it better and i hope you guys will like it. I sincerely thank to all those who would spent their precious time while reading my story and if someone finds it boring then i sincerely apologise and request you to leave it half way.

Thank you.

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