"Again?" growls Killian, "I'm going to run you to the ground during training, we need to work on your stamina."

"Oh, my stamina is just fine, pretty boy," I croon.

To my surprise, the broody man flashes.


"I would offer to carry you, but I know that would only make you crankier." Keon starts.

"Hell no, you didn't say that was an option," I say jumping onto his back, and wrapping my limbs around him like a baby monkey.

"Let's get on with it Dracula," I continue once I'm settled, "I'm pretty sure they've already realized what is going on."

"What!" He splutters.

"You think I'm going to go all 'feminist' on you? I know I am mortal or infant immortal and also allergic to exercise whereas you are a freaking fireball, you wiped the floor with those knights; that means experienced and strong. Also we have been running for hours, I am drenched in sweat but you look like you're in a photoshoot. It's cruel that you're only offering me help now, watching me suffer all along...so git. I assume you are fast, ey fire boy?"

I hear a choked-off cough and turn to find Kilian gaping at us, "What is it Kilian stop gawking, you are going to unhinge your jaw, haul ass it's not like they are giving us a handicap," I scold while still trying to get Keon to start moving.

"Oh, now you remember we are being chased?" says Keon, hands still spread.

"How has he not killed you yet pip? Killian starts curiously, "No one touches Keon, especially without permission."

"Hey," I defend, "That was an opening, you've got to recognize, besides he practically hoisted my ass, so I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind."

"There's also no way in hell I'm getting down again till we get to the academy, he can kill me or teach me about boundaries when we get there," with that I tighten my legs around Keon. there's no way they are making me walk again.

I had been joking when I asked Keon if he was fast before, but now mad respect filled me and a twinge of guilt, I must have been really holding us back.

Damn! the guy was really fast, even with me hanging on his back, Killian had remained behind us but he was also pretty fast, keeping up with us effortlessly... show-offs.

Ahead of us a weird gate shimmers into view; half of it glimmers brightly while the other remains cast in shadows despite there being nothing around it to create said shadows.

Light and shadow.

"Is that the border?" I ask.

"Yes, once we go through, we'll come out at the academy gates." Keon answers.

I clench my eyes shut as we approach the weird gate and Keon shows no signs of stopping.

"You can open your eyes now pipsqueak," That was Killian.

Why the hell aren't we going in?

We need to get on our side of....my words die in my head as I realize we've already gone through the gate and it didn't catapult my ass.

I turn back to the gate to see our "entourage" pacing along it anger clear on their faces, Jain alights and kicks at the gate as if frustrated.

The king is staring straight ahead, right at us.

They had horses and still couldn't catch up, pathetic.

Petty as always, I stick my tongue at the king.

"He can't see you, and where does it keep coming from?"

"Huh?" I turn to Killian at his question and he points at something above me.

Tilting my head, I see Eleena hovering above me as sparkly as ever.

I shrug.

"Are you coming down?" Keon asks though his hands are still holding onto me firmly.

"No chance in hell, you are stuck with me until we go through that cursed gate," I answer tightening my grip on him.

"Cursed gate?" he counters curious.

"Yeah, I'm not hanging upside down again, at least not alone, we go through and I get off you, deal? Great."

He turns to Killian who can't hide his humour, it was practically dancing all over his face.

"Don't ask." He answers Keon fixing an amused glance at me.

"Wonderful plan," I say fixing my meanest glare on Killian, daring him to share my humiliating introduction to Faery.

The infuriating man just smirks and walks into the school.

Keon moves through the gate unscathed, disappointment fills me, and nothing happens, except Eleena who was now hovering closer winks out again.

"Where does it keep going?" Killian grumbles.

Time to come clean.

"I did something."

"Talk," they say at the same time. Bossy.


It goes silent for a couple of minutes.

"Are you fucking crazy, do you know the amount of energy and power it takes to bond with an ancient power, you're practically an infant!" Killian barks with Keon huffing in support.

How did they even understand that?

"I'm well aware and don't shout at me. She said I'm okay and that being back here means she doesn't need to feed on me she can feed off the land."

That shocks them into silence again.

"She?" Keon asks.

"It talks to you?" Killian mutters sceptical

As if on cue, shimmering turquoise light moves from me swirling around creating a mini tornado with some fallen leaves, when it finally settles, it is my turn to gape.

"What the...!"

"Dramatic entrances seem to be your thing Mahina," drawls the dean from the administration building steps cutting off my expletive.

MAGE CHRONICLES: THE BEGINNINGWhere stories live. Discover now