Chapter Fourteen

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hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
The song above, I found really suited this chappy. I did try to switch the lyrics up a bit but some did remain the same so when you see 'hand' just leave er be lol (The Hobbit trilogy is super good in my opinon. Gotta say Marvel, Transformers and The Hobbit are my three fictional homes)

I've also published a new story! Something different from what I usually do. It is an Bucky x OC story, called Just Hold On. It's been something that I've pondered for a while, as I quite enjoy the MCU. And well, I like Buck! So I thought why not make a story? 

Enjoy, even if it's a short chapter...Sorry!! 


A few cycles had passed since the meeting.

The great smithing halls of Crystal City were alive and well. The mines around the great city were also alive with the movement of materials and the gathering of them. The light from them ilimuitated the night sky for miles. Cybertronians were able to see the large 

From the sounds of the pickaxes, to the banging of the hammers, it was a continuous line of resources coming in. And weapons coming out. Shifts were set up.

Aside from one, who insisted on working.

As Koda walked through the halls of the large forgery she vented a bit heavier than normal. Her pace was slower than normal, and a servo was often placed on the small of her back. Hoping to help ease the ache that bothered her in her lower back struts.

She longed to Or even jog. Down the halls to the last forge. But that was near impossible now. As were many things. She never mentioned it, not wanting to concern those around her, specifically her mate. Who would fuss over anything she did if she mentioned how hard it was to bend down and pick something up.

It was awful in the wash racks, when the cloth would fall out of her servos and fall onto the tile. Not only did she long for the movement she had before carrying, she wanted to spar, to go for a drive. Too far along now, her transformation cog had locked, while her weapons systems were still active the ability to transform into her alt mode was long gone. That was till after she recovered fully from emergence.

There had been many things she hid from those around her. And they were things that she would continue to hide. No one needed to know her struggles, not during this time. Not now.

The pounding of the hammers brought her out of her thoughts. And a sigh was released from her as she listened to each strike.

Then a flurry of voices began filling the room. Starting slow and quiet till everyone began to hear it. From the sounds of it, it used to be a war cry of sorts.

Down in the deep
Where Primus used to sleep
Glorious minerals
Glimmers in our home of old

Stepping past the tall corridors, Koda peeked inside one, noting that there were eight Bots' in there. Each one hard at work. As was everyone else who weren't in the forgery.

Dark as the night

Where the day has lost its light

When the hammer falls

She watched in amazement as a bulky mech brought their servo into the air, holding hot material and allowing it to be smashed together by what seemed to be two massive hammers that were attached to the roof. Still their voices rang out loudly, not wavering as the sounds filled the air.

When the hammer falls
And it sounds through the halls
When the hammer falls
Freeing treasures from the walls
When the hammer strikes

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Where stories live. Discover now