Chapter One

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Happy reading guys!!
This is more of a detailed chapter, just explaining a few things.
Hope you enjoy!!


Iacon...the capital of Cybertron. A cultural center, always buzzing with life. Past the large hall which held the history of Cybertron, earning the name Hall of Records, there was a school. This school wasn't small, nearly four stories tall.

    Buzzing with many classes, however the core classes were much more quiet and focused. On the third floor, at the end of the six door hallway was a room.

    Next to it on the left, as the one class was on the left side of the building, was a soundproof room, where the self defense classes were being performed. By a black and dark silver mech, who had a slightly foggy right optic. Shouts of encouragement rang through the room as two mechs tussled.

    However in the last room on the left it was much more calm. In fact students were returning from their class transition. The self defense classes always ran through lunch. It wasn't really running through lunch, but the teacher had always welcomed his students early.

    As the nearly forty three femmes and mechs walked into the room they were met with a slow tune playing through the classroom's speakers quietly. They didn't question it and found the music to be quite calming.

    At the front of the class was a smartboard of sorts. Displaying a small review of what they'd learned yesterday. Which wasn't much, considering it had only been a few cycles since the school year had started. To the right, a large desk was settled, the chair was out, however the teacher was gone...

    Finding their usual seating the mechs and femmes conversed. This being their second last year of education they were becoming excited.

    The seating of the class was ordered from tallest in the back to shorter in the front. Making it so everyone could see the board clearly, without leaning over to see.

    Aside from the glow of the large smartboard, the lights in the room weren't even on. The nice sunny day, with some clouds, allowed enough natural light to flood into the room. Lighting it up so it was a calming glow.

    The room itself was a nice sage colour. Not too dark and dreary but not too overwhelming. Along the right wall, there were a few boards, which were timelines, maps, agreements...Which all dated back to the Golden Age. Well...the first one that is.

However, near the door was a small board. Which was used to alert the teacher of how you are doing. Whether you may need help on an assignment or just want to talk, you would write your name on a small note, on the backside and tack it to the board. And at the end of the day the teacher would collect them and read them.

The next day he would ensure to check up on the mechs and femmes that needed to talk. And he would help out some students with their work.

Conversing of the students continued for a few minutes, till the sound of pedesteps rang through the room. Hushing everyone.

"Apologies, I had a com-call that needed to be answered," The mechs and femmes in the room stiffened slightly when they heard the deep baritone voice of their teacher. A small chuckle left him as he walked down the middle aisle, "Well it wasn't needed, more just a question that needed to be answered."

The mech's lower legs were a deep navy blue, as well as a part of his hips. The mech's helm was also the same navy colour. His tibulen (thighs, but ima use tibulen...cause...this description is >///<) and midsection were a light gray, leaning more towards silver. Apart from the windshield on his chassis, the rest of him was a scarlet red.

*NOT FINISHING* Woman and Machine III (Pacific Rim & TFP)Where stories live. Discover now